Queen Serena's Plan

After Rowena left the crown prince to chase after Julian, it upset Liam quite much. He watched her leave, hopeful that she would return but it didn't happen.

Crown Prince Liam wasn't used to things not going his way. Even though he often snuck out of the palace, he never got in trouble for it because both of his parents loved him so much.

That was how he was confident that Julian and Rowena wouldn't get in trouble despite the former pretending to be him for a day.

However, what did that get Liam? Nothing.

He thundered down the hallway to retreat into his mother's room, but she was nowhere to be found again.

It seemed like the person who informed her mother about the special delicacies had still preoccupied her.

Prince Liam waited for her return.

"My son?" Queen Serena was in shock when she entered her room and found her son seated in her bed looking frustrated. "What are you doing here?"

"Are you not pleased that I visited you?"