There Is No Cure... YET.

"Slow down the effect?" Rowena couldn't believe her ears. She laughed and shook her head. "No, that's not acceptable. Slow down? Can you slow it down forever? It's causing him so much pain and yet you haven't—"

"Wait, I know that guy." Julian coughed and walked slowly over towards her and the doctor, he ignored both the King and Prince Liam who wanted to speak with him. 

He looked at the old man with a frown and shook his head. 

"So the poison I got from the lagoon was used at this party? Shame on you. I turned a blind eye back then because I only needed money... but I didn't think that you would do something like this."

Doctor Gerald looked over at the young man and felt a shame burn across his chest. He bowed down and placed his head on the ground.

"Forgive me, Your Highness. If you wish to punish me, then please do so....but if I could beg you to spare my family—"

"Your Highness?" Julian blinked and looked at Rowena in confusion.