The Merfolk King

King Urther finally stared at Rowena further and couldn't help but feel an ache in his chest.

Her beautiful golden hair and amethyst eyes, her appearance showed incredible beauty, but that was not what drew him in.

She looked incredibly like someone he had known in the past.

"Water Guard... why are you treating this half-elf with so much harshness?" King Urther frowned at the shark Merman and immediately swam towards her. "Tell me, young one, from what elven nation do you hail from?"

"I... I've lived my whole life in the human realm, Your Majesty," Rowena said as hope suddenly surged in her chest.

"I see. Well, the human realm is not bad,"  King Urther approached and smiled kindly. "What brings you here to the Merfolks realm? Not many find portals to my realm."

While the other Merfolks Rowena encountered were unreasonable, this king seemed wise and might listen to her.