I Will Be Fine

Raphael remained in the hallway if only to witness the set of events and trying not to make a frustrated look on his face.

King Draco lied as easily as he breathed.

There was a tell-tale sign in one's physiology when an ordinary person lied, their heartbeat accelerated, their eyes twitched a certain way or their palms became sweaty.

However, when Raphael observed King Draco as he spoke and lied to his daughter, there was not one ounce or hint of hesitance in his acts.  It was utterly convincing, that if Raphael were not aware of the man's evil nature and schemes, perhaps even he would have fallen for the trap that King Draco had changed.

Not only did King Draco manage to convince this Prince Liam that he was an ally, even Prince Jadeith seemed to have considered King Draco as a snake—but a snake that had lost its fangs.