King Draco's Plans

After Liam's conversation with Rowena turned out to be more successful than the prince thought was possible, Liam couldn't help but look for King Draco discreetly afterward.

He visited King Draco's chambers to ask for more advice on what to do.

Fortunately for him, King Draco welcomed him quickly and Prince Liam conversed with him.

"...If people figure out that my father is currently not in the best state of mind—after what happened to my mother poisoning a number of people, I'm not sure what will happen next," Liam confessed.

"Naturally, the next course of action is taking the throne for yourself, boy." King Draco said. "If people figure out that not only your mother has been treacherous, but your father as well is insane—won't they question your family's capacity to lead the kingdom?"

Liam who had been stuck trying to reach through his father realized that Rowena's father was right.