Commotion In The Prison Tower

< In the highest tower of Verona Palace >

A mother and son were together and reunited after quite some time.

Liam personally came to visit his mother now that he was going to be crowned as king today.  He didn't know what to expect—he was afraid of what might happen if he were to meet with her, but Liam wanted to inform her and finally talk with her.

The soon-to-be king wished to remove every last thing that weighed on his mind.

"You look so handsome today, Liam. You look so much like your father." Queen Serena looked over at her son with a proud smile.

The two were seated together, guards outside of the door as Liam wanted a private conversation with his mother.

"I can't believe that you're finally going to become king—" she gushed.

"Mother, I only came here to let you know of the situation. Flattery will get you nowhere."