The Birthday Girl

When Rowena reached out and grasped Raphael's hand, a warm feeling crept through his cheeks as he nodded slowly.

"Alright, I won't let you go as well," Raphael promised her.

"T-that's to be expected unless you want to get separated," Rowena said and then shifted her focus on the performers on stage. She wore a smile and brightened. "How about we watched those first? They're pretty acrobatic aren't they?"

"Yes, it's quite interesting how they're doing all of that." Raphael chuckled as they arrived in the crowd of onlookers.

It was a small show consisting of two partners twisting their bodies in ways that mesmerized other people, their flexibility and even their ability to walk on a bed of nails were impressive and caught the looks of other people.

Rowena briefly smiled as she watched Raphael from the corner of her eyes, he seemed satisfied with the show or perhaps amused.  Someone like him probably hadn't seen anything like that.