King Draco Roseland Tries To Convince Rowena

Rowena immediately recognized the beautiful older lady, Lady Liz, who was fussing over Knight Jarvis with a sigh.

"I really do not understand why His Majesty insists that I stay here when I no longer have any exact responsibilities," Lady Liz complained.

"Do you not wish to accompany your husband?" Knight Jarvis chuckled.

Lady Liz simply sighed. "It's been so long that I can't help but feel like he's simply hoping…"

"Lady Elizabeth?" Rowena called out. 

The older woman suddenly turned around at the sound of Rowena's voice.  Lady Liz rubbed her eyes and looked at Rowena before she made a sound and then rushed towards her. Lady Liz suddenly grabbed Rowena's shoulders unsurely.

"Is that really you, Princess Rowena? How did you… Whoaa... you've grown so much!"

Rowena smiled and nodded. "It is me. Apologies for suddenly leaving but—"