Invitation For Raphael To Stay

Raphael looked up to see Rowena's bright smile on her face, she was beaming at him with so much joy.

As he looked up at her face and heard his own heart pound around her, Raphael realized it.  Everything was crystal clear to him now.

He had been hesitant before and didn't think his feelings for her were beyond physical attraction, but now as he looked at Rowena, he realized that she was the woman who he wanted to spend his life with.

He didn't want anyone else, it had to be Rowena.

"I do not think that is the proper way for a princess to act around in public." A gruff voice erupted behind them and interrupted the happy reunion between Raphael and Rowena.

Rowena's face turned red as she realized that she was on top of Raphael and quickly stepped back to apologize.

"I'm sorry, pardon my behavior–—I was just happy to see you." Rowena offered a hand to Raphael. "Let me help you up."