You Make Everything Better

Rowena finally confronted her father when she got the chance to meet him privately. The king was sitting in his study, watching her being restless and frustrated without a single care. He was this close to getting what he wanted, he didn't care about the rest. That was all that mattered to him.

"Why did you do it, father?" Rowena bent down and grabbed the edge of her father's desk. "You cornered him to marry me. How could you do that to him?"

King Draco didn't even look up from his documents. He replied casually like her concern didn't matter. "I was just pushing the right buttons. You heard the man. He loves you and wants to marry you. I just helped him make that decision faster."

Rowena couldn't believe her father would resort to such a thing. She wondered if getting someone like Raphael was his goal from the beginning.