Ro, Where Are You?

Rowena stared at her father in horror. Her eyes were filled with tears, and her heart was broken into a million little pieces. This was the ultimate betrayal that she felt after everything he did to her. 

After raising her without love, using her for his gain, and threatening her with everyone she had ever loved... he had come to another low.

"Father..." Rowena pursed her lips. Her body was shaking. "How... how could you do this to me?"

Draco looked at her coldly. He raised the cup to his lips to get a sip of the potion while again shouting how he was disappointed at his daughter for being so sloppy with such a precious gift as the immortality potion.

Draco wouldn't miss the chance to be immortal when it was right before him. He planned to drink it right away.  He would make people think Rowena spilled the potion. It was not so much a crime.