Is This Raphael?

Rowena was so surprised when she heard his voice. Was she also missing Raphael so badly that she imagined him?

"Honey..." Raphael walked closer and hugged Rowena tightly as soon as he reached her. "I've been looking for you everywhere."

He searched all over Cretea, worried that she ran away in distraught and ended up getting lost. He didn't find her anywhere. Only after he returned to the palace and heard from one of the guards that one pegasus was missing, did he realize Rowena must have taken the animal with her.

Since Pegasus was a special creature with the ability to bring the rider anywhere their hearts desired, Raphael immediately went to the human realm and searched for Rowena in the valley where she shared a hut with Julian. He knew that was her favorite place on earth. He assumed the pegasus would take her there.