The Simple Wedding

They could only make guesses but none of them would really know the truth of what happened to their crown princess. The knights spread the news that the mountain was now sacred and people shouldn't come near if they didn't want to be cursed by the ice god and died frozen.

Meanwhile, Rowena and Raphael had arrived in the royal palace and she immediately notified all the ministers and lords of the main houses to come and see her in three days for an important meeting. She would announce her father's death and take over power.

With Raphael's help, she was sure she could rule Ashland well and make her kingdom prosperous. 

After she sent the royal messengers to send the invitation to the ministers and lords in Ashland to see her, Rowena resigned to her chamber with Raphael. As soon as she closed the door behind her, the princess dropped to her knees. She was exhausted and just wanted to lie down.