A Mother's Love

"Raphael, my son!" Queen Lilith was having a conversation with several ladies in her lounge and she immediately halted her words when she felt his presence. Then she shrieked in joy. "Why does it take you this long to visit your mother?!"

She ran toward him and hugged Raphael tightly. "You have become like those brothers of yours! You forgot that your parents exist."

Raphael was touched by his mother's reception. He thought she would scold him for what he did ten years ago, but she didn't even mention it. Queen Lilith waved her hand and motioned the ladies to leave because she wanted to spend time with her son.

They all exchanged glances and mumbled among themselves. Raphael's appearance was shocking and they all wondered what would happen to him after he returned. The commotion ten years ago was still fresh in their memory because for immortals like them, the concept of time flowed differently.