Invitation To Return To Cretea

Deep in her heart, Queen Lilith resented Rowena for taking her beloved son away from her, but she suppressed the feeling and tried to be fair. However, now, the resentment came up to the surface.

There was no evidence that Draco was abusing his daughter and Rowena also never said anything when Draco was still alive. It was now just an accusation based on HER words.

It was so convenient to accuse someone of a crime when he could no longer defend himself. It was hard for Queen Lilith to trust Rowena on this. She could just say whatever to make Raphael take her side.

"I believe Rowena," said Raphael when he saw his mother's expression. 

He lowered his head and sighed. It was a very unfortunate situation. He never thought the reason why Rowena couldn't conceive was because of Draco's death. Why did the evil man have to win? Even after he died he could still make Rowena suffer?

The universe was unfair!