Moving To Cretea

Rowena smiled sweetly and kissed Raphael on the lips. She said, "I want to live in Cretea with you."

Raphael looked at his wife deeply, trying to read her mind. "Are you sure?"

Rowena nodded. "We've been living in the human realm for a long time. Soon, they would be suspicious because you and I don't age. Besides... I want us to start on a new adventure. I can't wait to explore your world."

Raphael finally smiled. He could believe Rowena that she wanted to live a new life with him. Perhaps, the opportunity to explore a new realm and get herself used to living in Cretea would be good for her. So, he hugged her tightly and nodded. 

"Very well. We can go there," he said, and then added, "We can also explore other realms from time to time after we settle in Cretea. I will take you to all my favorite places."

"I'd like that," said Rowena.