Harlow & Raphael

Back to the present day. (This is the continuation from Chapter 799)

Harlow tugged the hem of Raphael's shirt and looked at him with a tired gaze as she whispered her request.

"Please... get me out of here."

Raphael smiled and nodded. With one swoop, he took the princess with his strong arms and carried her out of the prison cell. Nymia gritted her teeth and turned her gaze to one of the guards, signaling him to report what happened to his superior. She would not let that temptress return and ruin the harmony in Cretea one more time.

She had disappeared for a thousand years, why couldn't she just die and never return? Why didn't she leave Raphael alone after all this time?

Nymia was so jealous that, in her mind, if she couldn't get to be with Raphael, then no one could. It was only fair.