
A Difficult Decision

After about 30minutes of driving in silence, Phidelia finally spoke up. Feeling very uncomfortable with the unusual and awkward slience which has suddenly engulfed her once happy and cheerful family.

"Why is everybody so quiet, did I do something wrong?"

She glanced from her sister who sat at the corner of her seat staring through the window with some gape between them to her parents.

Randy now realizing the tension the unusual silence has created and the impression it was forming in Phidelia's mind; hastily interrupted with the bid to clear up her doubt.

"You haven't done anything dear. Everybody is just exhausted. Don't worry dear, let's talk more when we get home."

This reply didn't go down well with Phidelia as her sister and mother were still quiet and still uncheerful though she had regain her health but she nodded anyway.

"Okay Dad." she replied and the atmosphere in the car went back to being quiet. Phidelia felt very uncomfortable but didn't say anymore.

On the other hand, Phidel kept crying secretively to herself as she stayed glued to the window without moving an inch.

After about another 30minus more of driving, Randy finally pulled up in front of their home. They all glided out, closing the door. It was at that moment that Jerome for the first time noticed Phidel's tear drenched face. Though she had dried them up, the pattern and red shot eye was enough evidence.

"Phidel..." she gasped, rushing over to her daughter. She knelt before her as she held her shoulders. "What's wrong dear, why are you crying?"

Just at this question, Phidel's tears freely flowed from her eyes once again but this time with much hurt. "It's all my fault mum. I'm the reason why Phidelia got sick and now, she can no longer stay with us. Our family have to sperate now all because of me."

"Calm down dear, it's not your fault." Jerome uttered, curbing her daughter's face as she tries to calm her down.

"No mum," she exclaimed, breaking from her mother's grips."It's all my fault mum, It's all my fault." she cried and ran off into the house.

"Phidel!" Both Jerome and Randy called after their daughter as Jerome stood up to her feet. She glanced back at her husband and then to a confuse Phidelia.

"What's Phidel talking about mum? Am I no longer going to live with you guys?" she queried with tears welled up in her eyes.

"Come here dear." They pulled her into a hug. Breaking from their hug, they glided into the house and took their daughter to settle in the sofa as they try to explain everything to her and also make her understand that it was for her best interest.

"We're doing this for you Phidelia. It's for your own good. You're just going to stay with your auntie for a while. I promise we will come for you when you're all better. Moreover, we will come and visit you. Your sister will also be in contact with you. You guys can call each other anytime and anywhere." Randy explained, trying to convince their daughter.

Jerome also add up her voice, trying her best to clear up any doubt and misunderstanding which will make Phidelia feel inferior and unwanted.

Convincing her took a lot of efforts but they finally did.

"Okay Dad, I will go and stay with Auntie Emma."

"You will?" Her mother gasped and Phidelia nodded in response. "Of course mum but you guys shouldn't forget your promise."

"We won't dear." she pulled her in and pecked her forehead, hugging her. At that moment, the bell rang. Jerome excused herself and went over to the door to see who it might be. She slowly pulled the door opened to see two cute little faces, staring wittily at her.

"Good afternoon Auntie," one of the kids uttered.

"Good afternoon dear."

"Auntie please we're here to call Phidel and Phidelia so we can go play."

"Oh that, hmm..." she murmured sceptically glancing back at her husband and daughter and then to the kids. "Sorry dear but Phidel and Phidelia are not feeling well. You guys should go and come back tomorrow, they might be feeling better by then."

"Okay Auntie." the kids chorused in unison and ran off. Jerome smiled faintly, staring at them as she slowly closed the door. She returned to the room, settling beside Phidelia as she informed them who they were.

"It's okay mum. Anyway, I will go talk to Phidel now. Don't worry, I'll do my best to make her understand."

"Aright dear." Jerome brushed her hand around her daughter's arms and watched as she glided up the stairs to her room.

When Phidelia had left, Jerome excused herself to start making supper as it was already getting late. Leaving Randy to contact his sister and make arrangement for her to come take Phidelia to live with her.


Phidel was sitting by herself on the bed, staring at her feet still crying when Phidelia walked in. She stopped in her tracks at the door, staring at her sister for a short while before gliding over to her.

"Phidel." she called, settling beside her. "You don't need to blame yourself. See, I'm fine now. Moreover, this is not your fault. I'm just going to stay with Auntie Emma. We can still call each other and hangout at times. Okay?" she draped her hand around her shoulders slightly shaking her.

"You think so?"

"I don't think, I know so. Mum and Dad promised." she replied with a smile. "Now, smile."

Phidel feeling a little bit of relief with her sister's assurance smiled in return. The rest of the day passed by with no special happenings except booking Phidelia's flight and also getting her things ready.

At around 6:30pm, dinner was set. Jerome called in for her family as she set the table. Randy was the first to join her followed by the twins. When everybody has settled behind the table, Jerome served them. She asked for Phidel to bless the meals which she did. After that, they all dug into their meals.

The atmosphere at the table was awkwardly gloomy and silent not as always but nobody really complained. After the meals, they helped their mother cleared the table and then returned to their rooms. When Jerome was done with all her chores. She, together with Randy went up to their daughter's room to check up on them and found them asleep.

They stood at the door staring at them with Randy's hand draped around Jerome's shoulders.

"Do you think they're going to be okay?" she queried.

"Of course dear." he assured, rubbing her arms. They stood there for a while long and turned off the light, slowly closing the door behind them as they sauntered off to their room.


It was around 8am when Emma got to her brother's house. Phidelia was sitting in the hall with her parents all set to go when she got there because they had booked an early flight for them.

They tried severally to get Phidel down to see her sister off but she refused.

"How is Phidel?" Emma asked.

"Well, she is in her room. She refused to come down. I believe it's hard for them both." Randy answered.

"Mm" Emma mumbled, nodding in response. "Anyway, can we go now? We're getting late for our flight."

"Sure." Randy picked her daughter's bag about to head to the door when Phidelia interrupted.

"Dad, can I go and say my last goodbye to Phidel?"

"Sure dear." he replied with a smile and Phidelia rushed up stairs. She got to the door and tried to pull it opened but it was locked. Knowing well that her sister will not open up even if she asked, she decided to go ahead with what she came to do.

"I'm leaving now Phidel," she said behind the closed door. "take care of yourself and mum and dad too. I love you so much Phidel." she touched the door, staring quietly at it like she could see through then left.

"Let's go Auntie." she uttered as she got down stairs, taking the lead with her parents and Auntie following after her.

Randy dropped the luggage in the boot of the taxi whiles Phidelia and Emma took their seat at the back seat.

On the other hand, Phidel stood staring at them from her window with tears running down her cheeks.

"Take care of yourself dear and don't give your Auntie hard time okay?" her mother replied.

"Okay." she replied. As the taxi slowly drove off, Phidelia knelt on her seat staring through the back windscreen watching with tear filled eyes as the car drove out of the yard. She sat back in her seat, breaking into tears as flashbacks of the happy times together with her family kept running through her mind.