
My Misfortuned Sister


Phidel returned home after school with her mood completely off. She pushed the door opened and strolled over to the living room slamming herself into the sofa.

Her mother who was laying in the next sofa, watching a Soap Opera deftly turned to glance at her and noticing her sulky face, sprung up. "Are you okay? You don't look good."

"It's about Phidelia mum–" She grumbled, "I suddenly felt weird at school so decided to call her. I tried her line severally but couldn't get to her and she didn't even call back too." Phidel let out a weary sigh.

Jerome sat thoughtfully for some seconds and grinned, "Don't worry, She might probably be busy with school activities. Anyway, did you try your Auntie's line?"

"Yes I did and her line was also...." Just then, the door creaked opened and her father walked in. "Your Auntie said she missed your call, Phidel? He uttered as he glided in. "What was the matter?" He joined them in the living room.

"Well, nothing Dad–" She dully muttered. "Just wanted to check on them. Did she by chance say anything about Phidelia?" She sounded curious.

"Nothing dear." He slammed himself onto the sofa with a sigh, exhausted. "Come on dear, your sister is alright. You just spoke to her before leaving to school. Didn't you?"

"Yes I did but...." She paused midway, knowing well her argument wasn't going to lead anywhere. "Guess you guys are right." She stood up, picking her bag. "I might just be exaggerating things. Anyway, I will be in my room." She mumbled and without waiting for another second, strolled off.

Both Jerome and Randy stared worriedly at her back as she glided the stairs. "Do you think we were being too hard on her?" Jerome's words were plaintive.

Randy just kept staring at his daughter's back, not knowing how to handle issues anymore. "Well..." He let out an audible sigh. "Let's give her some space to brooder about herself. She will be fine." He stood up about to leave.

"But what if what she was talking about is true?" Jerome hastily snapped in. Randy instinctively stopped in his tracks for a moment; the words from his wife ringing in his mind. For that short moment, it felt like the reality of issues were coming clear in his minds eye but then, he snubbed it off.

"Don't get too intense Jerome?" He finally commented. "Phidelia has been away from us for years now. What more could happen if nothing had happened through all those past years? Please–" He added and glided the stairs to their room.

Jerome stared at her husband's back, more confused than ever. She didn't really know what to think nor do anymore. Sincerely speaking, she missed her daughter more than ever. She was starting to get worried. Just the mere fact of Emma saying things were okay wasn't enough to end her curiosity to find out how her daughter was fairing. As a mother, she knew she had failed in so many ways.

She never insisted on going to visit Phidelia though they set dates for it and it always ended up being postponed. "I need to talk to my daughter myself. Just being told she is fine is not enough." Jerome swiftly looked to her left where a mini drawer stood and snatched her phone which was laying on it. She glanced through the phone and after a few scrolls, she saw Emma's number. She hesitated a little but fought the urge to stay put. She really needed to act like a mother for once.

Jerome went on and dialled Emma's number. After some few rings, she answered. "Hey Jerome, is everything okay? I missed Phidel's call earlier on. Hope she is fine."

"Yes she is." Jerome replied. "We were just calling to check up on Phidelia. Hope she is fine? We heard she was changing schools so we got worried. Anyway, is she around?" She queried, her anxiety evident enough in her voice.

"Well, you guys don't need to worry so much. She is perfectly fine. Just needed to change her school anyway. Just that....." She stressed, which was clear enough from her voice that she was lurking around for any sigh of Phidelia. "She is not back from school yet. I think she has gone to her private classes. Will let her call you when she gets back."

"Alright Emma, thanks so much." She replied and the line went dead. She let out a soft sigh as she looked heavenward.


It was already past 7pm and Phidelia had not yet gone home. Though the day had been tough on her, she was still herself; the witty and care free type. She sauntered out together with Claire from the big building just beside the recreational facility in the center of the town where they go for their private tutoring; giggling to God knows what.

Phidelia was taken by surprise when Claire first made it known to her that she was part of that same private group class that she(Phidelia) attends. It was just the perfect definition of joy for her. At least, she won't feel lonely being in that class. It was at that moment that Phidelia knew that Claire was indeed a God sent.

They glided through the pavements with witty chatters. Their back pack intantly behind them, taking the path to the bus stop to wait for a cab.

Just as they took a turn, Phidelia spotted Rowan standing with Tina at an opposite distance away from them. "Isn't that Rowan?" She slitted her eyes to have a close look as she instinctively came to a stop, a bit surprised. Though the atmosphere around them didn't look calm, their composure was enough to tell that they were friends but the kind of friendship they had was what she couldn't figure out. "What could be their relationship?" She grumbled thoughtfully to herself.

Claire was so busy with her witty talks and didn't even realized when Phidelia stopped. For some reasons, she didn't even see Rowan and Tina. "Guess I was..." She was about to make a funny compliment when she finally realized she had been talking to herself for a while now. She deftly lurked around and saw Phidelia rooted some distance away from her, staring at God knows what. "Hey!" She exuded, making Phidelia glanced at her. "Have I been talking to myself all this while?"

"Well, I..." Phidelia stuttered rushing over to her. "I thought I saw Rowan and Tina over there." She slightly pointed to the direction where she saw them. "Really?" Claire mouthed as she stretched to have a look but there was nobody over there. "I don't see anyone?" She commented, staring sceptically at Phidelia.

"There were..." Phidelia commented, turning to the direction she pointed and true to Claire's words, there was nobody there. She hastily glanced around for any sign of them but they were no where to be seen. "Guess they left." She mumbled with a shrug. A bing from Claire's phone notify them of how late it was. "Oh mine." Claire gasped and pulled Phidelia away, not giving her a chance to utter a word.