

The ride home was quiet and gloomy with Phidel's doleful and brooding look. Jerome kept staring at her all along, quite anxious to know what was running through her mind but she wouldn't say anything, not until they get home.

It was around 4:45pm when the cab finally pulled up in front of their apartment. Phidel was the first to glide out of the car, followed by her mother. Sauntering into the house, Jerome rushed to the kitchen for a glass of water whiles Phidel slammed herself onto the sofa, tossing her bag to her left. The house was empty since they were mostly the ones to get home first. "Would you care for some water?" Jerome questioned as she turned the corner to the kitchen.

"No mum–" She replied, resting her back on the sofa as she stared heavenward like she could see through the ceiling. "Phidel–, Phidel–" a voice uttered softly, making her jerked up. She swiftly lurked around but saw no one. Just then, her mother walked in. The sight of her with a glass of water instinctively caught her attention, "Mum, thought I said I was okay."

"I know dear." Jerome snapped in. "But you should have some water to calm yourself. I have noticed you've been stressed out lately. Here have some." She handed her the glass and Phidel hesitantly took it. She stared at her mother as she settled beside her with the sweetest smile ever. "Will mum be able to understand?" She grumbled mentally to herself. Jerome only noticed the skeptical gazed in her daughter's eyes and instinctively tipped her head, urging her to drink on. She faked a smile and took a few sip before placing the glass on the table.

"Now tell me," Jerome sighed sharply. "What's eating my baby up?" She sat back, ears on edge for what her daughter had to say. There was some silence for a while then Phidel finally spoke up. "Would you believe whatever I say mum–?"

Jerome gasped with her eyes fixed on her daughter, confused for a moment. "Of course– dear." She hastily muttered. "Try me."

Phidel eyes darted, watching her mother's assuring and anxious gaze fixed on her. "I think something has happened to Phidelia." She busted.

And a warm shot of panic swept up Jerome's face, making her stomach chuck. "What made you think so?" She hastily snapped in.

"I don't know how mum–." She cried, choked with tears. "All I know is Phidelia is in danger somewhere." She blunted out and tears freely tricked down her cheeks. "You still don't get it mum–" She uttered amidst tears and Jerome instinctively pulled her in, brushing her hand through her daughter's hair as she stared in space with lots of thoughts running through her mind.

"Everything is going to be alright Phidel." She uttered. "I believe your sister is perfectly fine. Your aunt would have called if anything had gone wrong." She tried to calm her daughter down but deep within herself, she could hear her heart pounding as she couldn't keep steadfast her thoughts.

Back in Netherlands, It was already getting dark. Tina's mother, Mrs. Anderson was surprised when her daughter got home a few minutes to 6:30pm. She placed the magazine in her hands beside her on the sofa and folded her arms. "Why are you coming home now young lady? She queried with a stern look.

Lucas, Tina's younger brother who was laying on the other sofa playing a video game instinctively chuckled. "Someone is certainly grounded." He teased without looking up from his phone. Tina slightly threw him a deadly glare. "I'm talking to you, Tina Anderson." Her mother's voice interrupted.

"Well mum, I..." She stuttered, cooking up a story to save herself. After a few struggles, she finally convinced her mother. Fortunately for her, her father was not around so things didn't escalate any further. To avoid any other questions, She quickly rushed to her room. Her wardrobe was the first place she hurried to. She flipped through her things for anything that could aid them get raid of Phidelia's body. After several minutes of searching, she spotted a white cloth amidst her rarely used dresses. "This will do." She hastily pulled it out and briskly folded it into her bag.

She was about to close it when her door suddenly creek opened, sending panic chills through her spin. "Damn Lucas." She blunted out with a glare that clearly spells out her anger. "What do you want?" She dropped the bag beside her study table and strolled over to her bed.

Lucas brows instinctively furrowed, "Are you hiding something?" He questioned, his inclusion kicking in. But Tina snapped him off with a stern look. "Is that why you're here?"

"No." He muttered hastily, straighten his brows. "Mum said you should come down for your supper."

"Tell her I'm not hungry, I mean I've eaten...." She instinctively clicked her tongue out of exhaustion, judging out for the suitable answer but found none. "Just find something to tell her. I'm not ready to eat now, maybe later. Now get out." She authorised.

Lucas rolled his eyes at her bossy attitude and hurried out of the room, slamming the door behind. Tina was by no means irritated by any of that. She swiftly glanced the clock hanging at the corner of her room and rushed to washroom.


Isla had earlier on left Wesley High early to Jade's school over an emergency and had no idea Phidelia had not gone home yet. She had an extra classes to attend afterwards so had no other choice than to go with her brother after picking him up from school.

It was around 7pm when they got home. They both sauntered into the house to meet her setting up the table. "Good evening mum –" They both mumbled in unison.

"Good evening sweethearts." She lifted her gaze to them, lurking expectantly over their shoulders. "Where is Phidelia?" She questioned as she sent her gaze back to what she was doing.

"Phidelia?" Isla uttered sceptically. "Isn't she back yet? She's suppose to be home before anyone else." She added as she took her seat behind the table. "Today is Wednesday, forgotten? She has no extra classes to attend to."

"Ah." Emma hastily mumbled. "Totally forgot about that." She added. Wednesdays are mostly the busiest day for the rest of the family apart from Phidelia so she was mostly the first to get home but today was different. "So then, why isn't she home yet?" Emma panicked, anxiety kicking in. "Have you tried her number?"

"No mum–" Isla answered, rummaging through her bag for her phone. She finally got hold of it and dialed Phidelia's number. It went through but there was no answer. "She didn't pick up." Isla cried.

"Try again."

"Okay mum." She replied and dialed the number once again. Emma stared at her daughter in anticipation as she waited for the feedback.