
The Separation

Bella and Roxy have been waiting for like forever in the cold midnight breeze at their hideout in front of the school for Tina but there seemed to be no sign of her yet. The weather outside was so cold and the little creepy noises accompanying it sent chills and shivers down their spin.

"Do you think she has billed on us?" Bella asked, lurking around.

Roxy who was staring into space took a quick glance at Bella and slightly shook her head. "You're totally unbelievable. Why will she do that?" She asked while turning back to where she initially had her gaze.

"Think about it." Bella said while leaning over Roxy's shoulders. "She might want us take the fall alone. She wouldn't want to drag the name of her family in the mud." She added and Roxy scoffed. The two were still disagreeing on things when they felt a cold hand touch them from behind. This made them almost jumped out of their skin as they turned to face the intruder.

"Tina–" They both exclaimed, frozen with panic. "You scared the hell out of us." Roxy added.

Tina mumbled her apology while she peeped through the corner from where they hid to take note of where the security personnel was and also decide on their next step. She surveyed the entire premises and after a critical analysis, beckoned Bella and Roxy to follow her while she tiptoed closer to the main entrance.

Getting to the gates, they swiftly glued themselves to the wall to avoid being notice. Roxy quickly rummaged through her bag and took out something which looked like a crystal pearl from her bag and threw it the other way to avert the guard's attention.

"Who is there?" His hoarse voice sounded in their ears as the object landed among the hedge, making scrabbling noises.

He threw his flashlight to the direction the noise came from while slitting his eyes to have a look but saw nothing. To further heighten his curiosity, Roxy thew another one. This time, she was able to attain her goal. The guard took his rod and hurried off to check for himself.

They smiled at each other with a sense of relief and silently sneaked to the entrance. It wasn't surprising to them when they found it tightly locked but fortunately, it was just some few inches tall so climbing it wasn't a problem.

Finally having their way in, they rushed to the corridors, making sure not to be caught. Though few lights were on, the premises was partially in darkness. Tina and her gang of girls traced their way to the washroom and unlocked the urinal in which they kept Phidelia's body. Not wasting another more seconds, they quickly wrapped the body up with the white cloth Tina brought.

With much effort, they struggled to drag the body out of the washroom into the corridor, forgetting all about the camera which was directly fixed at the right corner to monitor the area. They gathered all the energy they had left and carried through the hallway to the pavilion. They swiftly glanced around for any sign of the guard before rounding the corner to the back of the school, making sure they were safe.

They sauntered through the dark woods with the moonlight as the only source of light, panting heavily and totally exhausted. After a few more walk, they finally got to their destination.

The cheesy cold breeze coupled with the whimpers of the birds filling the atmosphere gave out a tensed and creepy aura as they dug the pit. After several minutes, they were done. They carried the body into the pit, threw her bag on her and hurriedly covered it up.

They hived a sigh of relief, dusting off their hands as the sweat on their faces shone under the moon light.

"Let's go.." Tina urged and they rushed out of the scene.


Emma and her family had been driving through the streets for an hour now with the bid to find an unconscious Phidelia lying somewhere on the streets so they could go to her aid but all their efforts proved fruitless.

Anxiety had by now taken a great toll on them with their hopes all gone.

"Isn't this the point where we head to the police station?" Emma said.

Martin who had many thoughts running through his mind and trying his best to keep his focus on the road slightly shook his head. "We can only do this after 24hours dear. Moreover, we need to get into contact with the school first."

Despair dragged Emma down the more. She felt helpless and distressed. She glanced through the window as tears pooled up in her eyes. She instinctively blinked and they streaked down her cheeks. She sniffed, wiping the tears away as she tried her best to hide it from her family.

It was already nearing dawn. Martin and Emma had no other choice than to drive home for Isla and Jade to rest for some few hours before school, though they had still not find Phidelia.

Martin took a sharp turn to the path leading to their apartment and zoomed off.

"Let's continue this when the day breaks." He said.


Phidel and her mother had tried their best to get to her auntie Emma but to no avail. Randy was also not yet back being the worst part. He had called earlier to say he was working over time. It was already late and Jerome was worried sick. She looked at a weary Phidel and sighed.

"You should go have some rest now." She said.

Phidel didn't want to but then, the persistence from her mother made it impossible for her to resist so she gave in. She bid her mother goodnight and sauntered up the stairs to her room.

Not long has she tucked herself under her blanket that she drifted off. In the next minute, she found herself in a dark room with dimmed bulb in the center serving as the only source of light. Out of panic, she swiftly glanced around.

At that moment, she heard a soft whisper from afar. She instinctively clinged to her fist, her heart thundering heavily.

"Phidelia.., Phidelia.." She heard the voice muttered more softly this time. "Phidelia, please help me."

She lurked around for the third time but saw no one around. Not to even talk of the thick darkness and dense aura. From nowhere, she felt a great force pulled her, leaving her flying in space.

"What's happening? " She grumbled in her mind as her whole body went numb.