Chapter 4 - Bad News Big Trouble

"alright lucy, what do you want to do today? we can do anything you want to." Loke said winking at Virgo who nods in agreement.

the 15 year old girl smiled as she walks over to the Ballroom area. the two celestial spirits follow her confusingly.

Lucy- " Well we could practice Ballroom dancing!" She said either a twirl around the spirits.

The spirits looked at eachother shocked. the had attempted to teach her a number if times, but she always complained.

Loke- "are you sure lucy?" He asked

Virgo- "Princess the last time you said we were giving you too much pressure, and now you want to learn it again? what gives?" Virgo questioned as she watched Lucy twirling around the room in circles.

Lucy- "I just wanted to try one more time, it could be fun."

the spirits looked at eachother then to Lucy who stopped and smiled at them.

Loke-," Okay if that's what you really want, then come on."

Loke said taking Lucy's hand and squeezing it as he held her closer to him,. they began to move around the room and Lucy danced to her hearts content.

A few hours later she was exhausted. gasping for air she sat on the sofa an looked at the two spirits who couldn't help but chuckle at her current state.

Lucy- " that was so much fun, thank you Loke and you Virgo."

she said wiping her face with her hand. her heartbeat was racing and her body was on fire inside.

Loke- "Lucy are you okay? you look really tired and your face is red beyond compare.

Lucy- " I'm fine I just need to catch my breath, let's rest for a while okay."

Virgo- " Princess, would you like something to drink?" Virgo asked handing her a towel.

Lucy looked at the maiden and pants as she trues to stand up but falls back on the sofa.

Lucy- " Well that didn't go very well, some water would be fine Virgo, thank u. I'm really thirsty." She said trying to catch her breath.

Virgo- "very well, I will be back in a snap." said Virgo as she disappeared into the kitchen.

looking at the Princess loke decided to let her rest. he was about to make that suggestion when Virgo reappeared carrying a tray with a jug of water and three glasses.

Virgo- " here you are Princess."

Lucy- "quick Virgo let me have the jug."

the Princess said as the maiden hands it over quickly. the spirits both stood there and looked at her as she chugs down most of the water.

Loke was shocked by her behavior scolded her.

loke- "Lucy your a princess, don't you think you should use a glass? he pointed out.

lucy shoots him an angry stare but soon calms down falling back onto the sofa. her head resting on the soft cushions. taking the jug away, Virgo smiles as she sits beside her.

Lucy- " that was the best water I ever tasted."

Loke- "what would you like to do now lucy ?" The lion asked.

Lucy' " hmmm, well we could go for a walk in Magnolia." She said tapping her chin with her finger. the celestial spirits smiled as she stood up from the sofa.

Loke- " as you wish Princess."

Virgo- " Magnolia is indeed beautiful Princess, you will love it, especially the food."

Loke- " Oh yes indeed Lucy, the people a quite friendly too."

Lucy- " Well then it's settled, we will definitely go , but first I need a shower and some clean clothes."

Lucy says as she heads to her room but was lost in thought. *"I keep feeling like Somethings missing....but what...I feel an empty space."* she kept thinking to herself as she almost walked past her room. she suddenly felt a tug as she came back to reality. she looked at the hand that held hers and then up to the face of Virgo who was smiling.

Virgo- "you almost missed your room Princess, it's this one." She said opening the door and pushing Lucy inside.

Lucy- " thank you Virgo, I'll be out shortly."

She said closing the door behind her and heading to her bath.

Meanwhile, at the wizard council, everyone had gathered together and was awaiting their master.

Lily- " does anyone know why Master Mavis wants to meet us?"

Silver- " I can't say that I am pleased to be here, but I know it is of great importance, or we wouldn't have been summoned here so quickly."

the ice wizard said as he walked over to the others who were all seated at the Chamber beneath the Cathedral in the middle of Magnolia. Everyone was puzzled and confused. they all looked up as a bright light appeared revealing the head of the council Master Mavis.

Mavis- " It is indeed of great importance that I called you all here."

Everyone's attention was now focused on the glowing fairy that sat infront of them. they all bowed their head and sat down .

Igneel- " what's this about Master?"

The fire wizard questioned, as he sat next to Zera who smiled softly when she saw him. her eyes sparkled st the sight of her beloved husband who chuckled when he saw her blush. forgetting everything that was goin on, Zero placed her hand on his as ge pulled her closer to him. he was about to kiss her when everyone gasped in surprise.

Silver- " I know you are both married but why do you have to be so affectionate whenever we are all here?"

the ice wizard said , Questioning them as they both blushed. pulling away Zera looks at Igneel then to everyone and answers.

Zera- " It's because we don't see eachother all the time. you see, many years ago when Zeref first attacked our guild, there was alot of innocent people present there along with their children for the harvest festival. and when they saw igneel turn into a dragon they all got scared and panicked. we were trying to help them but they ran from him."

looking over at her husband, zera continued her story.

Zera- " so igneel decided to stay way from everyone, because they thought he was a monster who wanted to hurt them. that's why he lives alone in the mountains."

Igneel- " sadly a few weeks later we found out zera was pregnant. and I did everything I could for her. when Natsu was born, I couldn't contain my joy. Oneday when he was 8yrs old, I saw him playing in the fields. he didn't know I was his father. I had made zera promise not to tell him."

confused the ice wizard looked at him and

shot up from his seat.

Silver- " so why didn't you tell him your his father igneel?" he asked

a question that made everyone wonder. the fire wizard looked at them and smiled as he continued.

Igneel- " I didn't want him to look at me with fear in his eyes. seeing those children so afraid of me, made me seal myself away from everyone and everything I held dear to me."

He said holding zera's hand as she shed tears. wiping it away he continued his story

Igneel- " I met Natsu when he was eight. I was just arriving home from a mission. when I saw him in the fields. he had broken through my barrier. I had sealed it with my fire. but I guess he had inherited fire magic as well, thats how he was able to break through....when I saw him I just sat there on Boulder looking at him. I remember it all so clearly...the day I met my son Natsu."