A Friend To No One

She smiling face a while ago instantly fade off. Her face become serious obviously affected of what I just said. I bit the inside of my mouth when realization hits me. I shouldn't said that, of course she will get worried more.

I blew a breath and reach the bottled water I haven't open yet and handed it over to her which she immediately accepted.

The worried on her face is still visible.

"Just gonna throw it on the trash bin outside"I inform her and gather all my scratch papers and those empty acrylic paint.

"Let me help you" she insist sound a bit alright

I eyed her and studied her face, she looks okay now as if nothing happen. Her emotion changes so fast.

"No need, I can manage. Just call Sabrina and talk to her " I suggested and take a step towards the door.

Actually there is a trash bin inside the art room but I don't know where the hell it is now. Probably one of the cleaner get it and didn't return afterwards.