Better Way

"What was that?"

I confusingly look at Viscos. He's standing in the middle of the living room while holding his phone. His eyes are filled with so much question that he doesn't know how to fire out all at once. I think he just arrived because he's still wearing a black polo shirt and pants. The restlessness and weary in his face is so visible to the point that he can't no longer hide it from me.

"I can't read minds Viscos. I wouldn't know how to answer your question if I don't even know where it coming from" I calmly reply.

He exhale sharply and turn his back on me.

"Trevar called me. You requested Renati to come here and deliver something in the council" he utter before he turn around and face me once again. "What's the meaning of that Sadira?"

I hid my hands on my back and look at him seriously, trying to figure out what's running inside his head.

"I'm trying to help. I know I can" I certainly whisper.