Feminine hands with gold-painted nails meticulously maneuver the chin of a silver-eyed beauty to get a good look over each angle for any signs of misalignment. Eyes the color of green venom, hair the same shade of silver as the beauty before her, with red liner winking at her single company the voluptuous beauty chuckles. Letting go of the other's chin she straightens and pulls her bejeweled shawl up which complemented the rich satin forest green qipao decorated with silver lilies she wore. It wrapped around her like a second skin. "Chao Bai, to think the day I would see you on your knees begging me for help would come so soon. I would have prepared a better welcome if I knew." The young woman called Chao Bai didn't lower her gaze, coldly glowering at the mature mother before her.
Seeing her feign disinterest and sit upon her throne of jewels, Chao Bai waited till she was settled before speaking. "I do not beg." "Pfft-! Hahaha-!" The gorgeous flower laughed at the cold beauty, but it wasn't malicious. It was more out of honest amusement and joy as if laughing at an old friend's joke. Her eyes glimmer faintly as she looks Chao Bai up and down with lingering and suggestive glances. "That's true, the Chao Bai of the past also never lowered her head to just anyone. So, why now?" She was genuinely curious how this courageous little beast managed to sneak back under the noses of the entire Silver Serpent clan.
Chao Bai also knew she was taking an unnecessary risk by coming to her and revealing herself. A traitorous noble, to such a powerful individual. But this individual, this woman... Chao Bai purses her lips with displeasure before finally managing to pry her mouth open. "A deal." The woman leans forwards teasing the kneeling beauty as if she was indulging a rebelling child. "Oh? And what exactly would someone like you have that I would be willing to risk my life helping you for? The Lord's beloved run away mate." Her eyes twinkled when Chao Bai flinched, her pretty face expressing denial and disgust towards the title.
There it is, that open expression of disdain and revulsion for their Lord. That was just like the old Chao Bai, so dignified, so beautiful and noble, so pure and charming. She's just as lovely as she was the day I first saw her~. Unlike others, Xiu Xie did not revere their Lord even if she respected his strength. She had witnessed many things, the most common was the animalistic and quick-to-submit temperament the weak had to the strong. As spiritual beasts, they were sensitive to who was stronger and or weaker so they knew what to fear. So even if a new dark horse usurped their current Lord, Xiu Xie would have no reaction and swear fealty in a sweet voice full of acceptance.
Fearing the strong and seeking a capable mate to birth stronger children was normal. But Chao Bai was different from the rest of them. Most would jump at the chance of cultivating with the Lord and bask in his favor willing to birth hundreds of children if they could for him. But this little beast actually rejected the Lord shocking the entire clan into a stupor. Xiu Xie still looks back to that day and laughs to herself secretly remembering the Lord's furious expression. It wasn't too well known what happened after as the Lord's loyal minions kept it to themselves. But less than a week later she heard that a promising hatchling had angered a "father" turning traitor and was killed in the process.
Chao Bai, who was already cold-faced, grew even more frigid the next time she saw her being groomed as the Lord's mate officially and with fanfare. Her young icy face that held a glimmer of hope for the future had died completely, it was frankly surprising. It wasn't like Chao Bai agreed to the Lord's courting, but more like she had given up on everything. Xiu Xie thought that was that, until surprisingly when Chao Bai was just in her first year of hatchling duty as a "mother". The little royal killed one of the Lord's people and vanished into the lands beyond An Xing humiliating the Lord and turning him into a joke.
Xiu Xie never thought she would see the little beast again unless she was brought back in the form of a headless corpse. But here she was not even a full decade later in her halls, daring to make a deal with herself. She could see the struggle Chao Bai had within herself as she forced herself to say her next words. "Your cold curse, I can cure it." Xiu Xie who was smiling at her froze. The woman narrowed her eyes at the little beast as the atmosphere filled with serious silence. Having her flaw exposed the woman no longer held a friendly aura and cooly called her out.
"You have an interesting way of committing suicide little one." Xiu Xie never liked others to point out her fatal flaw despite being labeled a Royal Chuanqi in the clan. It was a sore spot for her. "The Barren Royal". Behind her back, she heard plenty call her as such and killed just as many for mocking her and not knowing their place. She also had her fair share of lovers, unfortunately, her womb persisted in its cold curse so she remained childless for many years. Hence, the Lord's blind eye to many of her antics as she would have no blood to pass her legacy to.
So Xiu Xie indulged in filling her empty nest with riches instead of children, even spreading that influence outside of An Xing. Who knew how many secrets she uncovered and harbored but never entrusted to others? Although she still lingered in the inner circle of royals around the Lord she stretched her reach far beyond to also search for a cure for her condition. Coming up empty in the end each time, why should she easily believe that the answer to her century-long problem could be solved by a little beast who was hardly out of her hatchling phase?
Chao Bai also didn't expect her to accept her claim as truth right away. Firmly stating with confidence after having already started there was no way of backing out now even if she wanted to. "I bet my own life by even appearing before you today. It is up to you to believe whether I am lying or not. This ability of mine, even the Lord and the 'father' who watched over me as hatching never knew about." Her silver eyes burn brightly at this time surprising Xiu Xie who had thought the little beast's spirit had died long ago jolting her previous doubt.
Her declaration shook Xiu Xie and her heart slowly raised with hope, believing Chao Bai about half now. She questions the beauty critically and knowingly, as such a miraculous ability always comes with a price. "What is paid in return for curing me?" Chao Bai appears indifferent, but Xiu Xie could see her spiritual energy uneasily shift within her in answer. "Nothing that will come back to you. The price will be paid by me alone." It sounded too good to be true, but after scrutinizing the other's face she didn't seem to be lying either.
There was a long pause as Xiu Xie mulls over her offer, neither in a rush to accept or decline. She was the one with the power, after all, the question was what this little beast wanted to use her power for. "What do you want in return then?" It wouldn't hurt to hear her out completely. Chao Bai didn't let down her guard but lowered her head a bit, knowing she now had the woman's full attention. "Shelter." The flower's brows furrow, as that simple word means much more than meets the eye.
"Your spiritual energy is also unique and recognizable." Was Xiu Xie's way of subtly indicating that was too much to ask for, even for someone like herself. Pulling the wool over the Lord's eyes was harder than running away from him as it meant holding hands with a traitor even in the face of possible death. Giving a helping hand can be considered paying her a favor she wouldn't have to linger on too much as it can be considered a one-time deal. But giving her shelter meant staying on the same ship long term. Chao Bai didn't panic patiently convincing her with a promise.
"I don't expect you to betray the Lord directly nor do I plan to deal with him again." Xiu Xie eyes her cautiously "Then, what exactly do you want to do?" The young woman also fell silent for a few seconds as if reluctant to admit her plans. "...The An Xing rules do not apply to those outside." Xiu Xie's eyes brighten, and she covers her growing wicked grin. "Oh ho~! Who would have thought such a naughty idea would come from such an upright-looking child haha! I knew there was a reason I liked you the moment I first saw you little royal!" Standing, she strides past Chao Bai gliding her hand along the young woman's silky long silver hair.
Her steps were seemingly eager and her voice full of intentions of watching and partaking in an interesting play. Her green eyes shone "Come, let us see what miraculous ability this queen has traded her power and life for."
________________________________An Xing Rebellion Year One________________________________
A veil of white, a robe the color of blood, and a straight posture fit of a noblewoman. Her hair was an unnatural silver, the only indication she wasn't of the mortal realm. In the few days without restraining or rejecting the blood in her icy veins, she had fully grown into her skin. Once more a spiritual beast of An Xing, not having to stay in the form of a human as no one would be looking for Wang Lan Biyu again. Chao Bai briefly falters as she spots the ones below from her perch. The uncanny figure clad in red was ominous. Yet no one seemed to notice her approach.
Perhaps Wang Minglan would sense something, but he wouldn't know where from. The land was in her favor, she knew the forestry here better than those who were foreigners. Blending in was second nature to a hunter. Her eyes grow a bit misty as a woman clad in the same outfit but in an elegant green instead appears behind her. She raised a brow at the cultivators below exclaiming with a bit of excitement while leaning forward. "Ah! That one standing in the front is especially delicious looking~! What good seedlings too~ You didn't tell me that your pets were so delectable little royal!"
Chao Bai did not take her comments seriously "He isn't to be underestimated. Maybe before you could have taken him, but now you would die before you could even nip a finger." Xiu Xie clicks her tongue at the serious woman. "I see you have no faith in this queen." But Xiu Xie could also sense from this far away that the handsome cultivator wasn't to be messed with. Perhaps he could even give the Lord a bit of trouble if he wanted to. "It is odd, there aren't usually many strong humans willing to come to An Xing to disturb us."
The Silver Serpent clan was a malicious bunch who weren't known for their tolerance. Back during the war many cultivators had a taste of their people's venom and hated them to death. Of course, it wasn't exactly either people's fault for the feud. It only started because a stray in their ranks had let his demons consume him in his pursuit of power and killed a lot of important people as a demonic beast. Thus, the hatred between snakes and humans began almost as violently as the great war. If it weren't for the snake clans retreating into the An Xing realm perhaps it would have blown up larger. It was mutual hatred that kept the balance. Now, there were scuffles but nothing too large.
Chao Bai didn't explain the situation for her only adding an additional warning for her not to not be too enamored by Wang Minglan's appearance. "He is also aware they are being watched." Xiu Xie leans back with a sly sigh "Since he is so mighty what are you worried about?" She side-eyes the lenient royal "Just because an individual is powerful it doesn't make the entire group mighty." The woman chuckled mysteriously seeing the whole situation even funnier up close. "Humans are so amusing, killing each other for material gain, killing one another for women or men, killing for power. I wonder what they are killing one another for this time, even involving our An Xing realm into the mix."
Chao Bai tilts her head glancing at Xiu Xie questioningly as if asking how she knew. Xiu Xie gave a bored "Ah, you were busy shedding so I forgot to say. In not even a full incense of time since you fainted after treating me. My little ones told me that a group of humans were found dead not far from the portal." Her breath became stagnant for a moment before she quickly covered it up to question nonchalantly. Hiding the unease she felt "Then?" Xiu Xie grins at her again "What "Then?"? Isn't it obvious? It was just another incident of humans killing one another for gain. It's happened many times before, by the time we found them they were already dead besides one lucky little one I helped along the way out of sympathy the last time it happened." Xiu Xie pouts at Chao Bai cutely as if appealing to her and acting innocent "She was too pitiful looking I couldn't bring myself to finish her off~""
The woman's brows furrow lightly and she appears to mull over the situation staring up into the blue sky conteplatively. Her hand reflexively reaches for her guqin along her back only to freeze awkwardly after touching nothing but air. Xiu Xie observes all of her facial expressions and movements curiously. Noticing the tension in the little spiritual beast's shoulders growing even more rigid when her left hand felt nothing strung along her back. Interesting. She didn't hide this scrutiny even after Chao Bai robotically rested her hands back together in front of her like a saintly patron going back to quietly gazing down at the humans below.
Spiritual beasts like themselves would never seek the comfort of physical objects as humans do. More because the word "compassion" was something in a world where strength is all that matters is an emotion they could never afford. It was a weakness. Objects, lovers, children, homes, all of these things can be categorized as mere possessions. The difference between greed and love is thin, but then again you can sacrifice what you want for a better thing, not something you love. They disdain this flaw which is why they are one of the few who stand on the top of the food chain. Sacrificing compassion for power.
Xiu Xie had seen many plays and observed even more humans closer up than the other royals. Isolated by their mutual disdain for each other sometimes Xiu Xie would even find comfort in watching humans interact. The actions Chao Bai made just now were extremely similar to those of a human. "You lived with your humans for too long." The young spiritual beast seemed stifled by her statement however she acknowledged it with a sharp nod in agreement. Resting her cheek in her palm she comments matter of factly to remind the little one of her best interest. "Understandably you may be attached to them, but in the end, you are still a noble-blooded spiritual beast. While they are just mere humans bound to walk a different short-lived path from yours."
Without caring about how Chao Bai felt this was just something that needed to be said now if they were to continue working together. Xiu Xie hammers the nails into her heart while ignoring the growing frown upon the beauty's face. "Don't mistake my words as care, but it is a principle of even heaven for the paths of Royals like us to be special. If this queen turns a blind eye to one of her own falling from their intended path to mingle and grow attached to lowly humans it would be a sin. This queen would rather kill you herself first." "You do not carry the right to reprimand me."
Her tone was sharp and acidic. The mature spiritual beast shrugs lightly turning her back to Chao Bai as if she didn't care what she chose. "Having a lover or two is fine as all of us are guilty of such a thing at least once or twice in our long lonely lifespans. But it would be best if you never forget what runs in your veins is different from a normal spiritual beast. I will never forgive you if you pollute that purity, least of all those that already wish you dead." The green glittering dress fades into nothing but the shadows of a thriving grass right before nature freezes over in a finger snap of time.
The red-dressed beauty stiffly stood where she had before, the air around her thin, the frost at her feet crackling and biting anything in its way and suspending all living things in its grasp at the exact moment of their death. A brainless insect flying across her vision only managed to mind its business for a second before entering the icy tentacles exploding from the woman and turning into a pebble of ice. She sneers when the insect falls from the cliff edge, flicking her sleeve she turns to leave wearing a cold expression. The humans covet her flesh, and her people covet her purity. This was something that Chao Bai had long known since the moment of her birth.
But she never wanted to be born. She never wanted to be fated as the Lord's mate. She never wanted to be involved in the battles for power. Everything she wanted was stripped from her one by one without consideration of her status or say. First was her freedom, then her beloved, and now her brief comfort in being with her master as not a Royal but just his disciple. Simple pleasures of afternoon teas, the tranquility of her guqin, and her master's gentle smiles.
The fussing of her sect brothers and sisters who clambered for her attention or assistance as their master was too preoccupied with other things to pay them real mind. The comforting howling of the wind passing their mountain peaks and the whistling of birds greeting them each morn. Heaven's beloved...She pursed her lips and took a deep breath to calm herself. They all say she was special, but in her opinion after spending time outside of An Xing and seeing the world. Chao Bai had finally realized that she wasn't special at all, just a little stronger than the others due to the blood in her veins. Only people like him were worthy of receiving happiness and unprecedented favor.
Feeling a pair of insightful awareness touching her back for a brief second Chao Bai froze with hints of surprise and spun around. But when she sees nothing out of the ordinary her brows furrow suspiciously before she dismisses this feeling. Besides, as long as it wasn't Wang Minglan who saw or noticed she didn't care. Entering a crack in the earth An Xing opened for her she heard the earth whine all around her as she listened to the reports of the realm surrounding her like a funnel of news. The dark tunnel was lit up by crystals pushed to the surface for her sake like the whole realm groveling at her feet to be of use to her.
Behind her, the earth had already closed up like the crack had never existed in the first place. Red robes barely skimming the dirt beneath her feet, Chao Bai kept pace easily with the path that opened to her destination not too slowly nor fast. When dirt and clay opened to the surface again the scenery had changed to that of an icy cavern with crystals so clear they resemble glass. Entering the cave Chao Bai didn't look around and walked down the large cave familiarly arriving at a dais carrying a palm-sized scale box. When the woman lays her hand on the box it hums with familiarity towards her, as the crystal box was made from her scales.
Each one is carefully chosen and plucked fully intact for the sake of building the unnecessarily extradite jewelry box. Her fingers visibly hesitate before Chao Bai slowly lifts the lid with inexplicate emotions filling her silver eyes. She hesitantly brushes the precious clear ice jade, within the jade rested a single drop of lotus-shaped blood and white scale the size of her palm. Chest rising and falling, the only indication of her agitation. Chao Bai whose expression didn't change picked the box up not daring to remove the treasure from its container. As if afraid she would damage it if she did anything more than lightly touch its chilly surface.
Closing the box she held to her chest the woman then walked quickly down the from the dais as the cave around her began to groan and crack. The beautiful cavern having lost its purpose complained as the glass stones around her started shattering into powder. Unbothered by her increasingly dangerous surroundings Chao Bai took her time reentering the opening in the earth An Xing made for her to escape. Just as the ceiling caved in the red sleeves of the spiritual beast fluttered out of the graveyard containing the only lingering attachment she had left to this cold-hearted realm.
This time, for sure she would never return. Releasing a shaky breath her steps confidently increase in speed to escape the chains that tightly bound her here. No matter what, before she breathed her last she would avenge him with her own two hands while protecting her master at the same time. Something brews just outside of An Xing maybe capable of affecting even the entire cultivation realm, and she will take advantage of it to give those who ended his life the retribution they deserve. Hui, wait for me.