From a star, a pair of souls were born; as opposite as they are complementary, they can't help falling in love with each other.
Xiao Qingchen is beautiful and lively like the gentle sunshine on a fresh spring day. His blue eyes enclose the clarity of the sky and his kind nature reminded you of the refreshing breeze that soothes you in summer.
Song Yewan is elegant and stoic like the distant moon on gloomy autumn nights. His golden eyes like precious gold, the treasury of the earth, were sharp and imperturbable; the coldness of his aura was like winter frost.
The connection between them both was immediate. From the first time they were born until the last time when they died, they always knew the person they met in each one of their lives was the only one to love for the rest of their days.
If they are really made for the other, then why is fate so cruel separating them in each life? One day it may shine for them, but then they are lost in the night. Suffering for the empty space left by his beloved, their threads still seek each other through the centuries and new lives.
Of all of them... in how many will they achieve gladness together?