Volume 2 the beginning of the sudden storm CHAPTER 2

This is a terrible time. 

I was looking for the location of the selfie when I happened to witness the scene of the incident. This is an emergency that even a small detective can only wait and see. The conflict took place just a few decades ago. Things changed from trivial and difficult to aggressive and fierce abuse, and then the two sides suddenly developed into fighting each other. No, it's not right to say "fight each other". Three male students fell to the ground and suffered, while the red haired ones looked down on them. The result is too much. 

I could see his right fist was stained with some blood of the wounded. This is the first real fight in my life. When I was a junior high school student, although I had seen male students in the class pull each other's clothes, pinch each other's arms and so on when they quarrel, it can't be compared at all. The tension of the atmosphere here tells us everything. 

In spite of my fear, I photographed the scene with a digital camera lens, almost unconsciously. The shutter is pressed silently. After filming, I also thought about what I was doing, but in a state of panic, I couldn't get my mind right. 

I would like to leave this place as soon as possible, but because my head can't work properly, my feet are as tightly tied as if they can't move. 

"Haha, you think you do this kind of thing Can you walk away? Rattan? "

a boy who barely props up his upper body, even though he feels afraid, is still desperate to show resistance. 

"Can you still laugh? The three of them are in such a mess together. You are really inferior. Listen, don't bother me again. It won't be so easy next time. "

Xu Teng grabbed the front of the student who almost lost his fighting spirit and put his face forward. Both eyes are only a few centimeters apart. Xuteng threatened each other with the momentum that he was about to bite people to death. As a result, the boy could not stand to look away. 

"I'm so timid. Do you think you won me with a lot of people? "

Xuteng, who sniffed at him, picked up the Boston backpack that had fallen to the ground. 

He seemed to lose interest in the three men who lost their fighting spirit, then turned around and left. 

My heart rate soared in this instant. This is a matter of course. Because Xuteng is coming towards the direction of my hiding. The route from this special classroom building is limited, and usually I have to go down the stairs. I missed the opportunity to escape, and my body couldn't move as I wanted. It's said that my body will become stiff in the moment of an accident, and I'm really in this state. 

"What a waste of time. I feel very tired after the club training, so you can spare me. "

our distance is shrinking. He's just a few meters away. 

"... You are the one to regret later, Xuteng. "

a male student squeezes out his voice to stop Xuteng. 

In this moment, the spell that bound me began to release slowly. 

"Nothing is more disgraceful than the barking of a bereaved dog. You can 't beat me a few more times. "

these words are not bravado, and clearly confirm his confidence. In fact, Xuteng students also unhurt to suppress these three on one overwhelming unfavorable situation. 

It's July tomorrow. Now summer has begun to show up quietly. It's sultry. 

I couldn't move in this scene, the neck slowly shed some sweat. 

I decided to leave the place calmly and quietly. 

I just don't want people to find myself involved here. 

Because if so, my stable campus life will fall into a dangerous situation. 

I moved carefully and quickly out of the place. 

"Is anyone there? "

my eagerness to escape seems to have inadvertently changed the surrounding atmosphere. Xuteng looks up to where I was not long ago. However, I managed to get down the stairs at a critical moment. 

If I were a second or two later, he might have seen my back. 

Class D is always busy in the morning. After all, there are many students in the class who are far from being serious. 

But today we are more restless and noisy than usual. Of course, the reason is needless to say. Because today, the school may give out the long lost points. 

This "highly developed high school" I studied in uses a unique system called s-points. Let me explain it a little bit. 

As soon as I took out my school phone, I opened the school's pre installed application, and entered my student number and password into the program to log in. Then open balance query in the menu. 

We can do all kinds of things from "balance inquiry", such as confirming our current points, or confirming the points held by the class. It also has the function of giving points to other students from their own balance. 

There are two types of points, one of which ends with "CL". It is widely known as the abbreviation of class, which we all call "class point". It is not assigned to individual students, but to the class as a unit of points held. At the time of June, the number of points in class D is 0 CL on the balance. Indicates that there are no points at all. Then another number is marked "PR". This is the abbreviation of private, representing the number of points each person holds That is, private point. 

The system is designed to multiply the number of class points by 100 times on the first day of each month, and then remit the result to the students as individual points. 

Personal points are used to buy daily necessities, meals, or electrical appliances. It plays the role of money in the school, which is very important. 

Cash is not available on campus, so if you don't have this personal point number, you must be forced to live without pocket money every day. 

Because class D's class points are zero, the individual points collected every month must be zero. We are forced to live without pocket money. 

But we received 1000 class points at the time of enrollment. 

If we can maintain those points, we can get 100000 points every month. However, the trouble is that the number of points in this class will increase or decrease every day. All kinds of factors, such as private conversation in class or poor test results, will gradually reduce the number of points. As a result, class D returned the class points to zero at the beginning of May. And it's a pity that it's been going on until July 1st. 

Then, the class points will not only determine the amount of payment each month, but also bear the responsibility of determining the quality of the class. The school will allocate class A and class D from high to low according to the number of class points. 

If class D can get class points that are superior to class C, we may be promoted to class C from next month. Then, if we can finally climb up to class A and meet graduation, we will have the hope to achieve our desired goal of entering higher education and employment. 

When I first heard about this system, I thought the most important thing was to accumulate class points. No matter how much personal points are saved, they are only self satisfaction. 

But the fact that midterm can buy scores has changed my mind. 

Xuteng unfortunately failed in the exam not long ago, so I carried out a battle - ask the school to sell me his score. Judging from the fact that the school has granted the request, it's not a joke to know what Mr. Cha Zhu, the director of class D, said. 

"According to the contract between the school and the students, in principle, there is nothing in this school that cannot be purchased with points. "

that is to say, holding personal points in school means that we may let the situation develop in a favorable direction if necessary. 

As long as it's interesting, you may even get something other than test scores. 

"Good morning, everyone. You look more excited today than ever before. "

tea column teacher came into the classroom with the bell announcing the beginning of the morning meeting. 

"Mr. Sasaki! Are we at zero this month! I checked the balance in the morning and didn't remit it at all! "

" is that why you are so excited? "

" we have worked hard this month. Even the midterm exam has passed But it's still zero, isn't it too much! And we were not late, absent or talking in private at all! Don't jump to conclusions. Listen to me first. Chi, it's true that, as you said, you've tried so hard that it's even refreshing. I'll admit that. And as you actually feel, of course, the school can understand this. "

the teacher instructs to say to the pool, then the pool closes its mouth and sits on the chair. 

"Then I will announce the points of this month. "

the paper on the teacher's hand is spread out on the blackboard, and the result of counting is disclosed in order from the beginning of the class. 

Except for class D, the number of class points in all classes has increased by nearly 100 points compared with last month. 

Class a even achieved the result of slightly exceeding the number of school hours by 104. 

"... This development is not very happy. Have they found ways to increase points or something? "

it seems that Horiba Suzuki, the student sitting next to him, only cares about the situation of other classes, but most of the students in class D, such as Chi, don't care about the points of other classes. They think the most important thing is whether our class has class points or not. 

And class D says - 87. That's what it says on the paper. 

"Eh? What, 87 On behalf of us? Excellent! "

the pool jumped at the moment when it found the number of points. 

"It's too early to be happy. All the students in other classes have increased their points equal to or more than you. The gap has not narrowed. It's like a reward for the first grade students who have failed the mid-term exam. Each class will give a minimum of 100 points. "

" so it is. I'm just wondering how I can suddenly issue points. "

for horibai, whose goal is class A, it seems that it is not a happy thing to have class points for a long time since he entered school. There was no smile on her face. 

"Horibei, are you disappointed? Also, because the class gap has been widened. "

" that's not the case, because I got something in this announcement. "

" what do you mean by harvest? "

chi asked horibai standing like this. Horibai, who has his eyes all around him, seems to be in silence because he doesn't want to answer. As the center of the class, Mr. Hirata answered instead of her. 

"Our accumulated liabilities in April and may In short, it's a private conversation or being late, which doesn't become a hidden negative score. This is what horibei wanted to say. "

Hirata, whose brain is turning quickly, replied without hesitation. Great, he said it. 

"Ah, here