Volume 2 witnesses of accidents CHAPTER 4

The next morning. Some people in the class seem to be busy exchanging messages. They were yesterday's search group, the Hirata group and the KuoDa group. Although they hate the popular pingtian, Chi seems to be excited about the girl who is following pingtian. It seems that they are very happy to chat with each other. As far as I heard, they didn't seem to get any more useful information. It seems that it's not so easy to find the target after school. It seems that people are taking notes of people who have asked directly, operating mobile phones and taking notes from time to time. 

My words are lonely as usual. Although CTTB spoke to me, I was not good at facing the crowd, and even if I stayed in that situation, I would not make a speech. So I asked her to let me know later. 

On the other hand, the neighbor who refused to invite him to join us is still preparing for the class. 

Xuteng, who was involved in the incident, has not yet arrived at the school. 

"Ah, is there any way to prove that it's the guys in class C who are wrong "

" as long as the target can be found, it is not impossible. Come on, classmate Chi. "

" even if you say you want to refuel together, do you really have any witnesses? Doesn't Xuteng just say that it's vaguely felt? Is this really a lie? That guy is violent and often provocative. If we even suspect him, there will be no progress. Isn't it? "

" although there is no mistake But if it turns out to be the fault of wisteria, all the points that are not easy to increase will be confiscated, right? So it's going to be zero, zero. No matter when it goes on like this, our allowance will be zero. Having fun is a dream far away. "

" at that time, you can save from scratch. We've only been in school for three months. "

today's Heroes in our class are also unswervingly saying great things. The girl's cheeks were red because of Hirata's straight speech. Qingjingze seems to be very proud of her proud boyfriend, so he looks proud. 

"I think points are important. Isn't it still related to everyone's drive? So I want to stick to class points anyway. Even if it's only eighty-seven. "

" I know how you feel. But it's dangerous to be too obsessed with points to see the essence. For us, the most important thing is always to cherish our partners. "

chi expressed doubts about Hirata's abusive speech. 

"Even if The wrong person is the same as the wisteria? "

it's not your own fault to be blamed. You will feel bad. This is a matter of course. 

However, Hirata did not hesitate to place his head. Chi's head was bowed down as if to say that it was nothing to sacrifice himself. 

"Even though what pingtian said is correct, I really want to count. Those in class a get nearly 100000 yuan a month. I'm really envious. And some girls bought a lot of fashionable clothes and accessories. By contrast, aren't we at the bottom? "

sitting on the table, Mitsui shakes his legs. It seems that the overwhelming gap between the students in the same grade is killing her. 

"Why didn't I start in class a? If I were in class A, I would be living a very happy campus life now. I also think it would be nice to be in class A. In this way, we can go to various places to play with friends. "

the situation of rescuing Wisteria has turned into their own delusions. 

Although no one will find out except me next door, horibai's delusion for Chi and Mitsui Ze can't help laughing. She should be saying, "how can you start in class a". 

Then, in order not to be affected by the noise, she took out the books borrowed from the library and began to read them. I took a look and found that it was Dostoevsky's the demons. Good choice. 

"It would be great to have the secret of going to class A in a flash. It's too difficult to save class points. "

the gap between Class A and us is about 1000 points. Needless to say, it's a long way from here. 

"Have fun, pool. There is only one way to get you into class A in a flash. "

such a sound came from the front door of the classroom. Tea column teacher came to the classroom five minutes before the beginning of the class. 

"Teacher what you were saying? "

can't help but ask that the pool end that almost fell from the chair is in the right position. 

"I said that even if there are no class points, there are ways to get into class A. "

horibei, who is reading and writing books, also raised his head, as if to understand whether it was true or not. 

"Here comes Mr. Sasaki again. Stop playing tricks on us. I will not be cheated. "Even the pool that usually keeps on biting the topic, this time it's so funny. 

"It's true. This special method is also available in this school. "

however, the teacher who replied like this didn't look like talking at all. 

"It seems It doesn't seem to be a trick to bring chaos. "

even if teacher chazhu sometimes doesn't provide the information he should give, he should not lie. 

Chi na's giggling attitude gradually began to change. 

"Teacher, then, what is your so-called special method? "

in order not to offend the teacher, Chi asked like asking for instructions from his superiors. 

All the students who have entered the classroom also look at the tea pillar teacher. 

Even students who don't think it's good to be promoted to class A should think it's not a bad thing to know this method in advance. 

"I should have been informed on the day of the entrance ceremony. There's nothing in this school that you can't buy by counting. In other words, it means that you can use individual points to force a shift change. "

teacher chazhu glanced at horibai and me. We have tried the method of using points to buy test scores from the school. This is what the teacher said. 

Class points are linked to individual points. If there are no class points, there will be no individual points imported every month. However, it's not exactly equal to not getting points. It's good to know this in advance. As long as there is transfer and other ways, in theory, even if the class points are zero, personal points can be collected. 

"True, true false! How many points must be saved to do such a thing! "

" 20 million. You try to save. In this way, I can be promoted to my favorite class. "

pool heard the unreasonable number and fell down from the chair. 

"20 million Isn't it absolutely impossible! "

all seats also hissed. The more you expect, the greater your disappointment. 

"Not normally. But because it will be promoted to class a unconditionally, so it's natural that the points are so high. If we reduce the number by one digit, the number of class a students should be more than 100 before graduation. This class A has no value at all. "

this is not a number that can be achieved simply by maintaining the one hundred thousand points distributed each month. 

"Then excuse me Have students successfully changed classes in the past? "

this is a matter of course. It has been about ten years since the establishment of gaoyucheng senior high school. There should be hundreds of students fighting in this school to the end. If there are people who achieve their goals, even if only a little, it will bring a sense of reality. 

"Unfortunately, no one has succeeded in the past. The reason should be obvious. Even if the enrollment starts with accurate maintenance of class points, and does not use points, the three-year period is 3.6 million. Even if we increase the number of points as efficiently as class A, we don't know whether it can reach 4 million. Normal saving points is absolutely not enough. "

" isn't it the same as not being able to "

" is practically impossible, but not impossible. It's a big difference, pool. "

however, when I noticed, half of the students in the class were about to lose interest in the topic. 

For class D, which currently hopes to obtain 120 personal points, 20 million such high points are a dream beyond the imagination. 

"May I ask you a question? "

the man who raised his hand to ask questions is horibai who just watched the situation. She should have judged that it would be better to have a detailed understanding of the means of promotion to class A in advance. 

"Since the school was opened, how many points have students saved in the past? If there are examples for reference, I hope you can tell me. "

" that's a pretty good question, horibai. He should have graduated from class B three years ago. One student saved about 12 million points. This became a topic at the time. "

" one, 12 million! And a student of class B! However, the student didn't save up to 20 million points and was dropped out before graduation. The reason for dropping out of school is because the student committed a large-scale fraud in order to save points. "

" fraud? One by one, he deceived the new and shallow first-year students to collect points. Although he is supposed to save 20 million yuan to transfer to class A, it is impossible for the school to allow such violence, right? I don't think the focus is bad, but for those who break the rules, the school must impose good sanctions. "

let alone be a reference. These words make us understand that it is more impossible to reach the standard. 

"What those words just said means is that even if we commit criminal acts, the limit is 12 million yuan. It seems that I can only give up and climb by the sum of class points. "

horibai felt like a fool raising his hand to ask questions. Then he began to read again. 

It is such a thing that there is no such cheap thing in the world. 

"Well. None of you have yet earned points in community activities. "

teacher chazhu made an unexpected speech as if he occasionally thought of it. 

"What do you mean? "

" according to the activity and contribution of the students in the community activities, sometimes there are cases of individual distribution points. For example, if a person from a calligraphy society wins a prize in a competition, the school will give them corresponding points. "

the class were shocked by the notice they heard for the first time. 

"Only, as long as you are active in community activities, can you get points! "

" yes. Except for this class, other classes are likely to have finished the notice. "

" Hey, this is too much! You should have said it earlier! "

" I can't help forgetting. Besides, community activities are not