Ch 3: The Arcane Apprentice

"Do you feel it, Grandchild? It flows through the earth as it would flow through your soul. It is the essence of life, it is the Magi. Do you feel it?"

Koda strained his hands as he spread his fingers, reaching for any synapse of Magi that might exist in the ground. Sweat beaded down the side of his face as he struggled, "Grandfather, I don't… I don't feel it."

The ancient elf threw back his massive deep blue cape to reach for his grandson's hand, "Let me help you. Together we are bound by blood. Feel what I feel, see what I see."

A jolt of energy spasmed up the young elf's arm as a flash of vivid lights blinded him turning his vibrant blue eyes to a pale white. A sound hummed as it bounced through his long ears, then it all went quiet. The lights faded until he could only see the old twisting forest. His hand felt as if he were in a warm bath: relaxing, calm, tranquil.

"Do you feel it?" His mentor asked again.

"I do! I feel it!"

His grandfather released Koda's hand, "Concentrate. Do as I say. Concentrate, young one. Do you still feel it?"

Koda melded his mind with the aether's steady flow, "Yes, I still feel it."

His grandfather nodded, "Hold onto it. Envelope it into your hand and embrace it."

A fluxing shape of light transversed through Koda's body. His eyes gaped open with awe, "Grandfather Xile, what do I do with it?" Koda asked, somewhat frightened.

"Wield it carefully, Grandchild. It is volatile in this form, for it is pure and raw. Quickly, pass it to me!"

Koda, gingerly locked fingers with Xile and the magic rapidly passed over to the more experienced elf.

"Raw magic is found only in the rarest of mana streams within our world. Only a true master can tame it. Magic that a mage uses is not in its raw form, but bred over countless generations. It is weaker in nature, but much more malleable than its raw brethren." Xile shot his hand out towards the sky. The magic sparked in a brilliant shower of lights before firing into the air and exploding in a crack of energy.

Koda gasped at the display, "Amazing!"

The old elf hid a smile within his cowl, "You were not the first to be amazed by such power."

Koda turned away from the remnants of the spectacle, "My Father and Uncle Tull?"

Xile waved a hand in dismissal, "If only my sons had half the interest in the Magi as you do. No, I speak of my first two students. Boys no younger than fourteen, about your age, Koda."

Koda looked up inquisitively, "Were they Dawnedge elves?"

"They weren't elves at all. That was my first mistake, but not my biggest… teaching them anything was my greatest failure!" Xile spat in disgust before regaining his composure, "We must keep our secrets within the family. Remember this and never make the same mistakes that I've made, my grandchild."

Koda had never heard of such students and prodded his elder further, "What did they do? Why haven't I heard of them before? What ever happened to them?"

Xile rubbed his brow, "I think it's time for bed, Koda. We have much to do in the morning."

Koda persisted, "Please? History is as important as anything else you are teaching me!"

"It isn't important what became of them as long as you know whom you are to become and what you are meant to do. Koda, you must always respect the Magi; not merely as a weapon, but as something to revere, to respect, and to uphold above all else." Xile kneeled down to Koda's level, "Can you do this?"

Koda nodded.

"Good. Now, off to bed with you. At first light, I will have a gift for you."

Koda began to walk away, but his curiosity got the best of him as he turned to ask a question, "Will you ever reveal all of this island's secrets?"

Xile did not answer.


"To bed. Now."

Xile walked into the shadows of the forest, leaving Koda without an answer.


The sun rose as the young elf boy was shaken awake. His grandfather's silver and white braided beard tickled Koda's nose as he shifted from a sleepy daze.

"Rise, grandchild. They will not wait any longer for you to make a choice," Xile said excitedly.

Koda groggily rubbed his eyes as he sat up in his moss pile bedding. He tied his long golden hair in a braid, keeping his bangs in strands behind his ears. The cave was still dark, but a dim fire glinted off the many crystal shards that jutted from the stone walls.


Xile smirked, "Follow and see."


The forest of the isle of Nashoon was the lushest forest in all of Long Whisper. Its ancient trees twisted and wove its roots among themselves forming intricate paths. Moss dangled from the boughs as will o' wisps floated within the cool mists. Streams that trickled into tiny ponds carved through the grass creating several banks. Each bank was blanketed in wild flowers and clovers. In the distance, the cracking sound of wood twisting and turning could be heard echoing through the deeper parts of the forest, for deep in the belly of the forest lay mystical beasts never seen by the elven eye. According to many tall tales, unicorns, drakes, and hippogriffs were said to take up shelter in the depths of Nashoon.

The Wolves of the Eclipse were a special breed of wolf that were infused with Magi. Their fur coats came in all sorts of exotic colors and patterns. Their blood was so potent with magic that it flared from their eyes.

"A litter of cubs were born a few moons ago. They await for you to choose a familiar." Xile picked up a green and red colored pup. The newborn licked his face, excitedly, "This one would make a fine companion, but you must make that choice yourself."

Koda knelt down to play with several pups. A pack of large wolves watched patiently off to the side, eyes glowing in the shadow of the trees.

"Grandfather, what is a familiar? What does that mean to me? Is it like a pet?"

Xile let the wolf pup loose to romp with his siblings, "Koda, you are training to be an Arcane Guardian. Charged to protect this island and forest from anyone that would do harm to its inhabitants and the powerful forces that lie within this land. A Wolf of the Eclipse is a partner, meant to protect and share your burden. They are not pets. You will have a lifelong bond, and from that an alliance will be born. You feel its pain, as it does for you. So, Koda, look into the eyes and hearts of each wolf. The choice will be clear once you lock onto your soul mate."

Koda stared intently at each rascally pup, but no such connection was made. He was too distracted by the pack of larger wolves that stood by. He walked slowly to them. They sat frozen, with their eyes following Koda as he walked. Each one seemed to fade away in Koda's mind, until a lone female was his focus. She had a deep midnight blue coat. A single eye sparked with Magi, while the other eye was fully black with a sliver of a silver iris.

"Wildeye." Koda whispered, as he slowly reached to touch the wolf. His hands carefully caressed the wolf's head and chest. She made a long howl in the morning air.

"You have chosen. She is a loyal one. She is well trusted by my familiar, Moon Treader."

An old, scarred, red and gray furred wolf made an appearance from a nearby cave that served as the wolf den as he heard his name mentioned.

"He is the pack leader. And he approves of your choice." Xile said, a wide smile across his face.


Dusk approached the island of Nashoon. Along the beaches of its shores Koda sat, his bare feet sunk into the cool sands. His new found familiar lay across his lap. A fire blazed as embers crackled from the ashy wood. Xile stood over the fire enchanting his grandchild with a wild tale.

"Long ago, before the gods were born, dragons bigger than mountains roamed a world. Each fed on the stars themselves. Each more powerful than any deity that would live. Each a lone wolf not trusting any of the others. They endlessly roamed the aether searching for power to feed on until a dragon was born, so immense, so powerful, that it let loose a torrent of destruction onto their world.

Countless dragons would be vanquished by the cataclysm and all but seven perished. Five lay in the oceans so badly injured they were near death. The others used their powers to heal their fallen kin. They grew forests and mountains on the backs of these dragons to cover and mend their heavy wounds, but the dragons were too far gone to awaken.

More and more lands bloomed across the dragons: deserts, swamps, rivers, and lakes. But to no avail. All seemed hopeless. Despite their best efforts, the five dragons were still dying until a being from across the skies came upon them.

He was a curious deity of great knowledge and power. He imbued the comatose dragons with the Magi, keeping the dragons alive, but putting them in an eternal slumber. He then gave the dragons purpose by forging life on them. Finally he bestowed names upon these new dragon realms: Cypress, Stratus, Blight, Abyss, and Scorch."

Koda's eyes widened in delight from the story, "The realms we live on are actually dragons?" he asked, amazed.

"A story, but it may yield truth." Xile harkened back to the elder Dragon Walkers that told him the same story eons ago before pulling out a small scroll from his belt, "Koda, a carrier hawk bearing the crest of a sword and sun came this morning." He passed the scroll to the young elf.

Koda read the message carefully, "A message from my father!"

Xile nodded sternly. "Your father wishes you to come back to Lost Dawns. He wishes you to begin to learn your position as Prince of the new nation."

Koda was silent.

"You don't have to go, Grandchild. You have much to learn before you take over my role as Arcane Guardian. Being a prince can wait."

Koda wrapped his arm around Wildeye, "I have not been home in nearly five years. I have not seen nor talked to him during that time. I miss him, but–"

"He does not understand the importance of your training. He never did, nor did his brother. I urge you to stay."

Koda hung his head, "I know you do, but becoming an Arcane Guardian is a lifelong commitment. I need to see him, it will only be for a couple of years. Then I'll be back! I promise!"

Xile lifted his chin. Both his sons left the island and the path of becoming Arcane Guardians. Neither had interest in the forest's history or its many secrets, but Koda was different. He relished in magic and the lore behind it. He would be back, Xile knew this, "Go, grandchild. Be with your father. Learn about your people. Then return to me and continue the path to your destiny."

Koda hugged Wildeye in a fit of excitement, but then gasped, "What of Wildeye?"

"The bond has been made; she is affixed to you now as a nail to a cedar block. Try not to keep her in your chamber all day. She is a friend, not a pet, always remember this." chuckled Xile.

Koda smiled, hugging his wolf, tightly, "Ready for a trip, girl?"

Wildeye let a long howl of excitement.