Ch 7: A Duel with Legion

"Congratulations recruits, you've learned the basics of swordsmanship. Some of you have picked it up better than others, so we'll be pairing you off based on your potential skills," Baines said.

"Hold on, Baines. I say these recruits have earned a bit of fun. Let's see what they really learned. Let's have the two most promising blade wielders among them spar." Ridge looked the batch of anxious recruits over before pointing at Elucard and Crev, "You two. Show us what you've got."

Ridge tossed the two nervous boys practice blades. Their single-edged steel blades were left unsharpened to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, but their weight was identical to the real thing. It would be very difficult to slice off a limb with blades as dull as these, but the boys could still leave a painful welt if they tried. He walked between the two boys and looked each up and down.

"Give us a show." Ridge held his arm between them and then raised it quickly into the air, marking the start of the sparring.

Elucard held his blade in an inverted position and took a shy, defensive stance. Crev rushed forward and slashed rapidly at the elf. Elucard took a quick breath and dodged backwards. Juking to the side, he slid around his opponent and hefted a heavy side kick to Crev's ribs. The boy went crashing into a tree, rubbing his side. Baines leaned over to Crev's side, inspecting the bruise. He nodded his head, "A clean kick, but it won't kill your enemy. Elucard, show us a killing blow!"

Elucard nodded slowly, breathing hard. In the village of Ravenshore, he was the son of a fisherman. He was expected to be meek and quiet, never to take up arms and kill someone. He was Elucard Freewind, a good kid with no bright future, but a rather dull, peaceful one. Dull like the blade he held in his hand. However, here his future was one of a killer; being taught to hone a non-existent blood thirst; being taught to have a keen eye for weaknesses to exploit. Now his future had a real purpose and people would depend on him to shape the future of the world. For once in his life he was important, or at least his actions would be. But first, he needed to get through this sparring match.

Elucard rushed in and delivered a blow of dull steel to Crev's already bruised side. Crev dropped his blade and held his ribs, taking a knee. Elucard smiled and bowed to him. Baines patted Elucard's shoulder, "Very good. That strike would have cut through his stomach, spilling his guts. Only divine intervention could have saved him then."

"And the gods know not to interfere with Black Rabbit's marks." A figure dropped from the branches above and landed by the side of Baines and Ridge. Elucard immediately recognized him as Legion. He scanned the dirty and beaten faces of the new recruits until landing on a still smiling Elucard, "I've been watching you, boy. You pick things up well. I'd like to spar with you." Legion turned to the instructors, "Baines, give Elucard your blade."

Elucard's smile vanished as he took the sword from Baines, but he held the blade firmly in his hand. Legion unsheathed his large sword and hoisted it on top of his shoulder. With his free hand he beckoned Elucard to attack him.

The crowd of recruits began whispering amongst themselves as Elucard stood frozen in fear. Legion's ears drooped in disappointment, "Fine, I guess I'll just snap you out of your daze." Quick as a cat, Legion swung his blade in a horizontal arc. The blade was not long enough to reach Elucard, but the wind still cut into the boy's gut. The impact threw Elucard backwards into a tree, knocking the sword from his grip.

Legion frowned, shaking his head, "You had so much promise."

Elucard, shook off the momentary dizziness from the blow. Looking down, he pawed the wound across his stomach. An overwhelming feeling of pain set into Elucard's wound. He doubled over and dread set in: dread that there was still much more pain to come. Maybe his life back home was boring and simple, but it didn't involve this level of pain or fear. Tears began to blur his vision. In a flash Legion closed the distance and lifted Elucard's frail body higher against the tree. His grip clenched around Elucard's young elven throat. Elucard had no choice but to look into Legion's cold eyes, "To whom do you pray, Elucard? Father, god of creation? Jedeo, goddess of righteousness? Maybe you hate me right now and want to pray to the god of hate and evil, Dhalamar. That's it, isn't it? You want the dread lord himself to strike me down with a bolt of dark magic?"

Elucard could barely breathe, but he managed to gargle a weak response, "Father!"

Father or the All-Father, was who he was raised to pray to. He created the fish that his Pa's net dragged from the shore. He was a kind deity and never used his powers to smite those that didn't follow him. The other gods that shared in his covenant believed in defending peace and prosperity.

Legion tightened his grip and threw Elucard to the ground, "Father has abandoned you. None of the gods have love for you now that you're becoming a Rabbit… except one."

Elucard wanted to play possum and wish all the pain away. Legion's words were like a stake through his heart. The despair of knowing that everything that he knew and loved wasn't here to protect him any longer tore through him. Elucard shut his eyes tight while Legion's words echoed in his mind.

None of the gods have love for you now that you're becoming a Rabbit… except one.

Legion loomed above Elucard's broken body and eased in to whisper into the elf's long ears, "Only Alanna will embrace you in her wings. She is the goddess of death, and a Black Rabbit's only salvation. As a Rabbit, you will be given a spot in her army in the next life, and with our training, you will live to avoid the Roaming Plane and will be Alanna's messenger of death. However, if you wish to die now, you will die a coward and a disgrace."

Elucard's eyes snapped open, now carefully listening to Legion as he continued.

"You don't want that, do you? I saw a sense of wonderment in your eyes that night when I rescued you. You want the life of a Rabbit. You want to command respect, you want the discipline, you want your life to mean something. Elucard, it's within your grasp, all of it. But, you have to get through this first. You have to prove to us all that you deserve it. Now, get up."

Legion's words hit home. Everything he wanted from the Black Rabbit lifestyle was in those choice words. He rose to his feet, ignoring the pain pulsing from the gash on his stomach. He wanted – no, had – to prove that he wasn't a child anymore, that he was someone that could protect Jetta, that he was a Rabbit. Gritting his teeth, Elucard planned his next move.

Legion smirked as he narrowed his eyes. He was given that speech when he was Elucard's age and, like Elucard, it inspired him to take the path that led to a life immersed in the art of Alanna – the art of death. Legion positioned himself into an aggressive stance with his sword raised over his head pointing at his target. He wanted to see if Elucard was serious now. A deep cut down the shoulder would make or break the young elf.

"Elucard, you asked what I was, once. Do you remember what I said?"

Elucard shuffled his feet sideways, circling his opponent. He remembered that night very clearly. It was a keystone in his new life. Legion's words were as clear as the sky on a summer's day.

"You are an ideal."

Legion nodded, "All Black Rabbits are 'eidolons.' Anyone can be a killer or an assassin. A Black Rabbit must become more than just a shadow. We must live in one's mind and dreams. We must be the whisper in the ear; the shadow that follows the sun. We are not the reason, but the drive. Are you prepared to become an ideal, Elucard?"

"I am!" Elucard shouted.

"Then show me!"

Legion leaped forward, slashing down with a wind-sundering cut, but Elucard was anticipating the attack and dove sideways rolling towards his blade. Elucard grabbed it and charged headlong, brandishing the weapon. Legion, though taken pleasantly by surprise, didn't allow Elucard's advance and whipped Elucard in the face with a hefty roundhouse kick. The boy went down hard. Elucard growled through his teeth, sucking in the pain. He rolled to the side, and narrowly avoided a driving blade through his shoulder. Elucard jumped up and slashed low at Legion's left leg. Legion dodged nimbly, jumping backward and performed a crisscross of wind slashes that exploded into Elucard. Blood erupted from the "X" like mark on Elucard's chest.

Sliding back, Elucard fell to a knee, exhausted from the match. Salty sweat dripped from his forehead. Legion walked forward, stopping shy of Elucard, "Do you give in? You were never meant to win this fight."

Elucard tightened his grip on the blade's handle. He took a wild leap, exerting the last of his strength in a final attack, "I haven't proven myself yet!"

Legion was caught off guard from the outburst. His eyes slid to Elucard's slicing blade and caught it with his hand in mid swing, as it just grazed his cheek. Had the boy been stronger, the sword would have cut through Legion's hand and slain him where he stood.

Elucard dropped down and collapsed. Legion tossed Elucard's blade to the ground. As he turned to walk away, he coolly spoke to Ridge, "See that the boy receives medical attention." Legion took a glance at Elucard who was being helped up by several of his peers. He shook his head with an admiring smile.


Legion bowed his head and knelt in the presence of the High Blade, Avalon. She was pacing around him, attempting to read why he had requested to see her. Also within the quarters was Vada, Avalon's First Blade and Blade Sister. She leaned against the wall, wondering the same thing.

Avalon finally stopped in front of Legion, "Word on the wind says that you made a cameo at Baines' and Ridge's training session today. Is that what this is about?"

Legion looked up. It was only an hour ago that he was sparring with Elucard. Within that hour he thought ceaselessly about the boy's guts and aptitude. With proper molding he could get to be as proficient as Legion himself was. The clan could harness those skills. However, Legion also knew that the boy would waste away under the tutelage of a poor teacher. He didn't doubt Baines' and Ridges' skills, but they had less prowess than he. No, Elucard needed a great teacher. Someone that he trusted, but the only one he could rely on for this task was himself.

Legion collected himself before speaking, "High Blade, I–" He hesitated slightly, "I wish to take a recruit under my wing."

"So this was more than just an appearance? You took a shining to one of those kids?" Avalon grinned. In the years she had known Legion, she had never known him to be a teacher. He was a good team member and a solid ally, but not a teacher.

"I see much in one named Elucard. I don't want to see his potential go to waste."

Avalon looked to her First Blade, who nodded in agreement, "Very well, Legion" she said eyeing the fresh cut on his cheek, "Consider Elucard your apprentice. If he fails, you fail. When he succeeds, you succeed. Like a Blade Brother, he is now bound to you."

Legion nodded and bowed. There was much work to be done.