Ch 15: Graduation

Seventeen of the thirty elves that were recruited last year stood in a long line. They wore faces that showed both exhaustion and experience. Hands once only used to play with toys or help till a field were now used only to take lives and spill blood. Their eyes no longer widened with fear and dread at the thought of killing, but instead sought after the honor it brought upon them. These were no longer children, they were Black Rabbits.

Elucard stood among them. Like his peers, the remaining scraps of his innocence had been stomped out like an unwanted flame. A week had passed since the trauma of the Blood Forest. His eyes were still weary. It was as if he had been forced to stare at the sun for an hour. Blinded by his experience, born again, and now as a killer. A year ago was now an eternity away and so were thoughts of his family, village, and of Jetta. His reward for crossing the threshold was now before him.

"Palms up!" A command echoed across the compound. Vada paced slowly in front of the remaining recruits. Avalon stood watching all of them as her blade sister went on with the ceremony. The instructors stood off to the side, kneeling and hiding the pride that they had for their students, "Draw daggers!" she roared. The recruits unsheathed their daggers, their hands outstretched with their palms facing up, "Prepare to draw blood!" Vada drew out a beautifully forged sword. It shimmered in the red light from the passing sunset. Although it was clearly as sharp as any other sword, it showed no chipping, for it was never used in combat.

She held the sword flat with both hands and walked up to each recruit, "Shed your blood upon this blade. For it is all that you now hold dear. It is Alanna. It is your Silent Master. It is your High Blade. It is your First Blade. It is your clan. It is yourself."

Elucard trickled his blood drops onto the blade. Each command shouted at him he followed without a second thought. He was like them now, his new heroes, his new comrades, his new family. He would kill for them and he would die for them. All for Alanna, all for the clan. Never before had he felt such loyalty for a cause.

Vada passed the blade by each Black Rabbit who watched from the sidelines. Each bowed to the sword in silent reverence. Vada continued, "You are now bound to each of us, as we are now bound to you. Your hand will heal, but this binding will never be severed."

Finally, she handed the sword to Avalon, who bowed to it and sheathed it back into its scabbard. Vada nodded to her blade sister, signaling for her to finish the speech, "Even in death, you will have that bond. Congratulations, you are now Black Rabbits!"




"Another Autumn's moon, Elucard," said Legion, "You've been with us two years and you've been a Rabbit for one. Do you still think about that vagabond?"

"Everyday, Master," Elucard answered honestly.

Legion tossed another log into the fire. They were on the shore, miles away from any soul that could disturb them. Elucard always looked forward to these nights. Legion only brought him here when there was something to celebrate. A birthday, a solstice, an anniversary of an important mission… But there were none of these to celebrate tonight.

"Master, why did we come here tonight?" Elucard shifted a little closer to the warmth of the fire and waited for Legion to answer.

"It is important for you to remember your first kill. Never forget the pain it caused you. It keeps you mortal. It makes you cherish your own life."

Elucard leaned back and gazed up at the endless blanket of stars that wrapped the night sky, "It still haunts me. Do you remember your first kill?"

Legion looked uncomfortable for a moment before replying, "Avalon requested that I bring you on a mission. She wishes to inspect my ability to teach first hand." Legion had hastily deflected his young student's question and it seemed to have paid off. Elucard quickly sat up with a glowing smile.

"The High Blade wants me to go on a mission with her?" Elucard didn't bother trying to hide his excitement. This was an honor he never dreamed he would have.

"We are to assassinate a nobleman. Duke Cray Redroot. Apparently, his son is impatient and wants the estate now rather than later. We will strike a carriage that will be escorted by the White Cloaks."

"White Cloaks?" Elucard asked. He had heard of several other small forces that served as a paid militia, but this one he was not familiar with.

Legion stirred the fire, "It's hardly surprising that you've never heard of them. Their reach doesn't usually extend as far as Ravenshore. The Guard of the White Cloaks is a guild of mercenaries that pass themselves as the law men in our country."

"How do mercenaries get to be the law?" Elucard asked. The people of Ravenshore more or less governed themselves as best they could. Such a small town had no need of lawmen.

"When our country was established, of the eight noble tribes who joined together in the great alliance, none were of the warrior tribes, for the warriors refused to be ruled. Once the assassination attempt on King Jaelyn failed, the White Cloaks were hired to keep the peace in Long Whisper. They act as an army and as civil servants."

Elucard took a long pause before asking his next question, "If the White Cloaks are the law, are we the criminals?"

Legion smiled, "It is true that we act outside the law, but that is because we must. We are not good, nor are we bad. We are a neutral party. We are merely a tool for those who use us. If they use us as a weapon to do evil, then they are the criminals." Elucard lay back down, satisfied with his Master's answer, "Rest up, my student. We meet with Avalon at dawn's first light."