Ch 20: The New Rabbits

Seasons had passed since Avalon defected from the Black Rabbits and Vada had not been heard from in just as long. In those months Elucard had grown into a formidable assassin and the grizzly memories of slaying his friends slowly faded from his mind. No one realized this transformation more than Legion.

Elucard entered the High Blade's quarters and knelt before his master, "You wished to see me?"

Legion sipped tea from a clay cup. He smiled fondly as the warm cup rested in his hands. Winter had been unreasonably harsh that year. Winds howled outside as a light layer of snow packed onto the dirt pathways.

Legion watched as Elucard brushed off drifts of snow from his shoulders and mask. He nodded and gestured for Elucard to fill a cup for himself when he caught his student eying the kettle with yearning eyes.

"Elucard, winter will pass next month. By then we expect to have a new batch of recruits. This will also mark the beginning of a new division."

Elucard hastily poured himself a cup of tea, shivering and wet from the snow. He took a long sip before finally responding, "I've heard rumors that we'll be pairing medics with our assassins on missions. I doubt they will be of any use when they are neck deep in danger."

Legion nodded, "This is true, which is why this division will be a new breed of Rabbit – Veiled Menders. We will be training them in stealth as well as a bit of combat. In the future, assassins will work in alongside Veiled Menders." Legion gestured to Elucard's right arm, "Too many missions would have gone a lot smoother had a medic been present."

Elucard looked pained, remembering the battle he lost against the White Cloak. He quickly redirected the conversation, "Master, why did you really call me? I don't believe you called me here because you dearly missed my company."

Legion smiled. He found it endearing that Elucard still referred to him as "Master." These days he had seen less and less of his former student. His role as High Blade had kept him busy and prevented him from doing many missions. So his time with Elucard was usually brief, but always time he considered well spent.

"I wish for you to be by my side when the new recruits come in. I was wondering if you had given any thought to becoming a teacher."

Elucard looked up from his drink, "Master, I don't think I'm prepared to teach. I still consider myself a student."

Legion shook his head, "You underestimate yourself, my student. You have gained much cunning and prowess over these last few seasons. Despite your lack of experience, you are able to stand toe to toe with many of the veterans here. I would urge you to think about taking at least one student under your wing. You still have much to give to this clan."

Elucard listened to each word and imagined himself as a Ridge, Baines, or even Legion. A student of his own, it might be a good move for him, "I'll think about it."

"That's all I ask," said Legion.


An old wagon that had seen its fair share of use pulled into the Black Rabbit retreat. In it sat children of varied ages and genders. The Rabbits driving it ushered them all out the cart and filed into a single line.

Elucard and Legion stood off to the side, watching as several men gave the recruits the same frightening speech and directions that Elucard had heard when he first arrived. That his old life was over, a new one was to begin. Quitting meant death. Escaping meant death. Failure meant death. He smirked in amusement.

One newcomer in particular seemed to have already caused the instructors much grief. He was a teenager, Elucard's age. He had gray skin and long, deep purple hair. He wore a porcelain clown mask that hid his silver eyes.

"Remove your mask, Elf!" an instructor demanded.

"It is a memento of my true home," the teenager said, speaking in a quiet voice.

The instructor sneered and went to snatch the mask, however the disobedient elf slammed his head into the instructor's face. The thrust crushed the instructor's nose and impaled his cheeks and eyes with shards of porcelain.

He cried in agony as he fell to his knees. Immediately several other instructors brought their blades to the boy's throat.

"Enough!" A command pierced through the commotion. It came from the High Blade. Legion turned to Elucard, "This one could use guidance, Elucard. He has the spirit of a wild horse."

Elucard stared intensely at the elf, but shook his head, "I'm not the one that will break that horse."

Legion put a hand on Elucard's shoulder, "My student, you don't break wild horses. You forge a connection with them. A horse that chooses to bear your weight is a far greater ally than one that is forced to."

Elucard raised his head and looked into Legion's eyes with a satisfied grin, "I suppose so."

Legion turned back to all the Rabbits, still poised to strike down the elf, "Let him be. He will be instructed by Elucard! Medics, take your recruits to the new Veiled Mender division grounds!"

Several teenage elves were ushered by Elucard and Legion, but one confused elven maiden caught Elucard's eye. Her eyes widened with surprise when Elucard met her gaze.

"Jetta?" Elucard said, utterly perplexed. Before she could respond she was rushed away by a medic. Elucard quickly turned back to Legion and asked, "Master, was that Jetta?"

Legion raised an eyebrow, "Who?"

"Jetta Breezelark! My old childhood friend from Ravenshore!"

"Calm down Elucard. We use your old village as a recruitment point every now and then. This time we recruited potential menders for the new combat medic division. Does she have any medicinal experience?"

"Her grandmother owned an apothecary."

"So she would have been taught the basics of medicine. That knowledge will be very valuable for her," Legion said, trying to walk away.

Elucard shook his head in disbelief.

Legion pointed at the gray skinned elf, "Concentrate, young Master. Your student is him, not Jetta. Jetta will be a Veiled Mender. She'll learn quickly and serve you well."

"Or she'll fail and die…"

Legion put his hands heavily on Elucard's shoulders, "That too could be the case, but you need to trust that Jetta will do her job so that you can do yours." Legion waited for his former student to nod, "Now get to work."

Elucard nodded as Legion disappeared into his quarters. Taking a deep breath, Elucard walked over to his new student, "Elves don't usually come in gray around here. Where do you hail from?

The elf was silent, curiously peering into Elucard's magenta eyes.

"I saved you from a slit throat. I'm not your enemy. My name is Elucard. I'm originally from a fishing village a few days north of Lost Dawns called Ravenshore."

"Lost Dawns… my troupe performed there for the winter Moon Festival!" said the elf, pleased to make some friendly conversation.

Elucard smiled, "You're from a circus?"

The elf smirked, "Assassin Elucard, I was once masked, but no longer am. I think it would be fair if we stood on equal footing before I divulge any further information about myself."

Elucard smiled underneath his own mask, "That's not how this works. I am the master, you are the student. We are not equals."

The gray elf bowed down in an exaggerated motion, "Ah, but of course, Master. After all, I am merely a wild horse. You are not to break me, but make me your ally. Feed me a carrot, and I will allow you to saddle me."

Elucard smiled and decided to play along. He lowered the mask that covered his mouth and nose and then lowered his hood. The student smiled thinly at the sight of such a handsome young face.

"A handsome face such as yours should not be hidden from the world. Now that neither of us are hiding anything, I can trust you. I was born and raised in my family's troupe, 'The Ebonpath Traveling Circus.' My family couldn't afford the protection that the Black Rabbits offered while we traveled across Long Whisper. So, to avoid…repercussions, I was offered in return."

"Ravenshore, as well as other villages, offers recruits in exchange for protection. What is your name?" Elucard asked, knowing the story all too well.

"Inle Ebonpath," the elf said, still staring dreamily into Elucard's eyes.

"Well Inle, I know nothing about the life of a circus performer, but I can tell you that the new life before you is fulfilling. It will be hard at times, but if you persevere, you will find the servitude to Alanna rewarding. I will teach you skills of stealth and combat, politics and philosophy. You'll see the world through a new lens – one of shadow and truth. Are you prepared to undertake the challenge?"

Inle thinly smiled, "What choice do I have?"

Elucard paused, "I will give you a choice never offered to me or any of the other Rabbits. If you do not wish to serve as a Rabbit, you may go back to your life as a clown. But know this: There is no feeling in any realm, mortal or roaming, quite like the feeling of committing to something greater than yourself. You will become more than an assassin or a servant of Alanna."

Inle looked at the woods behind him. He didn't know his way back to his troupe, but that really didn't concern him. At the moment, Elucard's words intrigued him. He never thought a life outside of his troupe was possible, and though he had traveled the world, he felt that there was always something missing in his life. Perhaps Elucard's life offered him that missing piece.

Inle looked back to Elucard, interested in hearing the rest of Elucard's thought, "What will I become?"

"A Black Rabbit."

Inle chuckled, "Another troupe, another performance. This time as a rogue instead of a clown."

"Yes, but this time you'll juggle with life and death instead of balls and pins."

Inle's eyes lit up, "Well then, Master Elucard, show me the world of the Black Rabbits."