Ch 31: Legion's Origin

Thirty years ago Ryjin Leafsong failed in his attempt to assassinate Jaelyn Dawnedge. Ryjin was spared, but was exiled from Long Whisper, never to be heard from again.

Ten years passed before Ryjin formed an alliance with three elves from the renowned warrior clans who had refused to join Jaelyn's new kingdom. They were Kilid Windspear, Ronos Pathrunner, and Leandra Nighthunter. Together with the newly named Silent Master, these four elves created the shadowy Black Rabbit Clan. These assassins would wreak havoc on Long Whisper and slowly grew in number.

Kilid, Ronos, and Leandra admired Ryjin for his ideals and boldness. Over time, Leandra fell madly in love with him. Her passion for him flourished, and although Ryjin returned no emotion, he still sired a child with her all the same. Malady was born.

Years passed and Kilid and Ronos left the clan to pursue their own ambitions elsewhere in the world. Ryjin saw this as an unforgivable betrayal. With the loss of two of his most trusted friends and advisers, Ryjin grew paranoid of whom he could trust. He created two new ranks for him to oversee that would serve to enforce his laws – the High Blade and First Blade.


A young Malady, about the age of thirteen, sweated profusely as his raw knuckles beat into the tree. He knew he needed to train hard to impress his mother and even harder to impress his father. His skill as a fighter came naturally, but it was the praise of his parents he really worked for.

A familiar voice called from the woods, "Malady, where are you? I have excellent news for you!"

Malady smirked. His mother had the news he had been waiting to hear since he had been told of the Silent Master's new ranks. Finally his mother would bestow upon him his birthright and he would finally sit at his father's side, lording over the clan.

"I'm here Mother. You wish to see me?"

Leandra was a toned elf. She wore a black leather tunic with violet belt straps crossing her chest. On her back were two claymores. She had the strength and skill to wield both in each hand, a feat that most men would only dream of.

By her side was a small child, a bit younger than Malady. His frame was small for his age, even for a new recruit. He was an elf like himself. He had light silver hair that had been cut short and his eyes were a deep red.

"Mother, who is this recruit with you?" Malady asked, confusion plastered on his face.

"Malady, this is Legion. He is to be your sparring partner," Leandra said, pushing forth the small Legion.

"Sparring partner? I don't need a sparring partner. My skill is nearly perfect!" Malady scoffed.

"Well, I think it could use some work. Also, Legion could learn a thing or two from you. Being able to teach is an aspect of leadership you'll need to have if you plan on being High Blade." Leandra placed a sheathed sword into the arms of Legion before stepping away.

Legion held a blank stare on his face, not knowing what he was in for.

"Well, what's your story kid? Where do you come from?" Malady asked, trying to make the best out of his situation.

Legion stared at his sword, hesitant to speak at first, "My father gave me up to pay off his gambling debt."

"Your Father sounds like a bastard," Malady said with a disgusted smile, "But you'll be missing him once we get started. Draw your blade, kid."

"My name is Legion," the young boy sneered.

Malady rushed at his sparring partner, swinging his blade, disarming Legion and leg sweeping under his feet. Legion crashed to the ground and Malady pointed his sword under Legion's chin, "Learn to hold your blade right, then we'll see about you earning your name."


Years passed and Malady grew strong. Legion grew stronger. Malady was no longer in a position to teach Legion. Now they were truly equals.

Far away from the Black Rabbit retreat, the soft glow of a campfire blazed under a starry night. Malady and Legion sat together. Across from them stood Leandra Nighthunter regaling them with tales of how the Black Rabbits came to be and how the warrior tribes once lived wild in the forests of the land.

She sat down cross legged by the fire. Opening a large leather bag, she took out a set of swords wrapped in animal pelts. One was much longer than the others.

"You two have grown in these last few years. My son has proven himself a natural teacher, while Legion, you have proven to me that you are worthy to be called a son of my own. You are brothers now. Not only in arms, but like the old ways, I wish to make you Blade Brothers."

"Blade Brothers?" Malady asked, a look of whimsy in his eyes.

"When one of you succeeds, both of you succeed. When one of you fails, you both fail. You will be brothers in skill and in soul. You will become one."

Legion grinned widely as Malady nodded with approval at his new Blade Brother.

Leandra unwrapped the swords, giving the long sword to Legion, while Malady received a set of five arming swords, "Legion I want to train you in the form of the Giant's Blade. You were weak once, barely able to wield your sword, now I will teach you to use a claymore, the choice weapon of the Nighthunters."

"I will use it well, Leandra," Legion said, stoically.

She turned to Malady, passing the five blades to him, "You have always shown a prowess for blade skills. Now I shall test you with the form of the Many Blade. Using each blade quickly and precisely will throw off your opponents and give you an edge in the heat of battle."

"Mother, I am honored," Malady said, bowing his head.

"My sons, you are both on the path to greatness."


Malady led Legion through the shadowy woods. They dashed from branch to branch, surrounded by a sea of leaves that reflected the moonlight from the rain that came before. Both were dressed in dark leathers, their deep purple cloaks dancing behind them.

"Malady, when will you tell me where you are taking me?" Legion called ahead.

"Brother, tonight you will become a true Black Rabbit. I am to oversee this," Malady shouted back, a smile strewn wide across his face.

Legion had been training for years, but had never been regarded a true Black Rabbit by his peers and teachers, despite his great skill and potential. Malady stopped just shy of a small tavern on the outreaches of a small farming village. The tavern was a shoddy building. Its walls were made of wood that was splintered and rotting. Its thatch roof had holes poked through to let plumes of smoke billow out. The lights shown through the window lit up the silhouettes of patrons having a good time inside.

"Malady, are we on a mission?" Legion asked as he tried to find a reason of them to be there.

Malady grinned, "Come, Brother, follow my lead."

Once inside, the two assassins found the pub full of life. Whores and drunks danced and drank and made merry. But the two were more interested in an older man who sat a deep stupor. His face had a patchy peppered beard and his eyes were tired and half closed. His tunic was filthy and his vest had splotches of food stains on it. He looked up and burped loudly as Legion and Malady moved toward him.

"This is him. Grab him and bring him outside around back," Malady told Legion.

"Who is he?" Legion inquired.

"A weed," Malady said, "Quickly".


Behind the tavern, Legion threw the old drunk to the ground. Malady massaged Legion's shoulders, "Are you ready for your first kill, Brother?"

Legion shot a wild glance at Malady, "What? Kill him? Why?"

"The man is a stain on society, much like the stains on his vest."

"Who is he?" Legion asked, watching the man stumble around before falling on his bottom.

"Legion, you don't recognize him? Has it been that long for you?"

Legion gave Malady a curious look. His Blade Brother motioned for Legion to study the man. Legion crouched down to examine the features of the worn and weathered elven man. Slowly it began to dawn on Legion who he had been sent to assassinate.

"This…This is my father!" Legion exclaimed, slack jawed.

"Yes, my brother. It seemed only right that you were to be the one to kill him."

Legion backed away, shaking his head, "I-I can't do this, I can't kill my own father!"

Malady pulled Legion back, keeping an arm around his shoulder, "Legion, he stopped being your father when he gave you up. He sold you to settle his gambling debts. This man is a leech. He is worth nothing. He is good for nothing." Malady kicked the drunkard backwards before asking him, "Do you know who we are? Do you know who he is?" Malady pointed at Legion.

The man hiccuped as he wobbly looked Legion over, "Should I?"

Legion pulled down the mask that covered his mouth and pushed his face into his father's, "Look at me! Really look! Do you know who I am?"

The man shook his head.

Malady drew a sword and put it to the throat of the man, "Do you recall now?"

The man's eyes widened as he felt the gravity of the situation, "I don't know him! I don't know him!"

Legion grabbed the man by the shirt and lifted him into the air, bringing his face so close to his that he could smell the rancid odor of booze on his breath.

"You drove my mother away, you sold me to settle your gambling debts, you drank your way into a bottle, and your whole life is nothing but a failure. I always wondered what I did to deserve the life you forced me into! I was ten! Ten when you sold me to a clan of assassins. Six when you beat my mother half to death because you lost our house in a game of cards!"

The man began to sob, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"Who am I?" Legion shouted, enraged by the memories that boiled in his mind.

"You're my son! Legion!"

Legion dropped his father to his knees before swiftly drawing his blade, "No, now I'm the man who is going to kill you!" Legion said before viciously parting his father's head from his body.

Malady watched as Legion still shivered with raw anger, "Brother, how does it feel? Do you have retribution?"

Legion was breathing heavily as he turned to look at Malady, "Alanna has given me purpose," Legion cleaned and sheathed his blade, "And now she has given me vindication."

Malady nodded, "A night to remember, brother."


As Legion and Malady became adults, it grew clear to Leandra that Legion was surpassing Malady. Not only she, but the Silent Master saw this as well. In time, no matter how hard Malady pushed himself, he could not garner the same praise that Legion was showered with by his parents.

When the time came to choose a High Blade, the two Blade Brothers knelt in the shadowy presence of the reclusive Silent Master. Leandra stood by his side.

"Leandra, you have shown much attention to these two elves. Is one to be our High Blade?" Ryjin's thick voice growled in the darkness.

Leandra pursed her lips, pacing before her two sons, "My Master, one was born with promise but has not shown that he can live up to his own potential."

Malady's head shot up in surprise, a baffled look on his face.

Leandra continued, "While the other started with absolutely nothing, but clawed his way to greatness."

"Mother! You would choose Legion over me? I am the son of Ryjin Leafsong! I am entitled to the title of High Blade! It is my birthright!" Malady blurted out. He was completely livid by his mothers apparent betrayal.

"Birthrights are a fool's delusion!" barked Ryjin, his voice cracked through Malady's gripes.

Leandra helped Legion rise to his feet, "I choose you to be High Blade, Legion."

Legion backed away, shaking his head, "Please, Leandra, Silent Master, I do not want this. My bond with my brother is too sacred to me to soil it by taking something from him that I know he has wanted since he was a child. Please choose someone else." Legion bowed before them.

Leandra looked crestfallen, "You are perfect for this role Legion. It is you that we want."

Legion refused once more, "I can not accept this title."

The Silent Master looked up to Leandra, "Who else?"

"There are two humans – Blade Sisters. They show much promise. They are younger than Legion and Malady, but in time will be as strong. Avalon shows slightly more initiative. Vada, the other, is fiercely loyal to her. I recommend Avalon to be High Blade, with Vada as First Blade."

The Silent Master nodded before leering at Malady, "Leave my sight. You disappoint me, my son. You couldn't share a moment's glory for your own Blade Brother? Pathetic."

Malady ground his teeth and balled his fists. He sprouted up and grabbed Legion by the collar of his tunic, "You have embarrassed me! I challenge you to a duel. Only blood will make this right!"

"Malady, brother, please. I never meant to hurt you," Legion cried out, anguish quivered in his voice.

Malady bared his teeth, "You will duel me. You owe me this!"

Leandra pulled the two apart, "Legion, duel Malady, end this pettiness. It defiles the title of Blade Brother."

"As you wish, Leandra." Legion sighed.


In the opening in the forest where the two boys first sparred, the two blade brothers stood facing one another. Off to the side, Leandra stood next to the newly appointed High Blade and First Blade.

Avalon stepped forward, "May this duel, no matter its results, end this quarrel. You may begin!"

Malady drew two blades and lunged forward, unleashing a series of slashes aimed at Legion. Legion side stepped and circled around, landing a clean kick into Malady's back that sent him rolling to the ground. Legion had not even drawn his blade yet.

Malady scrambled to his feet and reached for another set of swords. He twirled them in a skillful fashion then thrust them both forward at Legion. Legion dodged and responded with a quick elbow to his Blade Brother's throat.

Malady fell to his knees choking for air. The sound of steel being slowly released from its scabbard rang out through the silence of the battlefield. Legion had finally drawn his blade.

"You know I'm stronger than you. Please submit, Brother. There is no need for this to go any further."

Infuriated, Malady dove at Legion, swiping his swords, but striking only air. Legion lifted his sword as if it had the weight of a feather and gracefully slashed into Malady's left thigh. Legion quickly brought down another strike that sank deep into Malady's right thigh.

Malady collapsed onto the grass, unable to stand. He screamed with a primal rage.

"Submit! Let this be over. Let us put this foolishness behind us, Brother," Legion repeated.

"I have no father, no mother, and now I have no brother. Kill me," Malady sneered as he threw his blades to the ground and lowered his head.

Legion's hand shook as the edge of his blade hovered over Malady's neck. Now his sword was too heavy to lift, much like his heart.

With a single swipe, Legion sliced a gash across Malady's eye and walked away.

"I am sorry, Brother, but I can't."