Ch 38 - The King's New Storm

"Let's see what you've learned," Megan said. She stood on the opposite end of the underground arena, surrounded by enchanted trees.

Koda nodded and bowed his head before jumping into the air and landing with a heavy impact that shook the ground. The crackling and tightening sounds of roots exploded from beneath Megan, attempting to bind and encase her. However she was quick and rolled out of harm's way, only to find Koda manifesting several leaves with serrated edges to soar in her direction.Megan roared as her skin transformed into a hard bark. The leaves bounced off of her armored skin and Megan answered back by transforming her hand into an outstretching vine laden with thorns, whipping and slapping at the ground, trying to catch the elf as he nimbly dodged out of the way of each attack.Koda tumbled toward Megan's right flank and mustered his courage to grab the next attack. He winced as the thorny vine wrapped around his arm, and used the entanglement to yank Megan into close range. With trained reflexes and cunning, Koda conjured a small pile of dust into his hand, and blew it into Megan's face.She sneezed before falling sleepily to the ground. Drowsily, she tied the thorny whip around her hand. The sharp pain kept her from falling asleep. A massive trunk rose beneath her feet, bringing her into the air, "Your clever tricks won't win the battle against me, your grace! Show me what you have really learned!"Koda smirked, knowing well what she meant. Thrusting his hand into the air, he began mustering his focus into his palm. Light flashed around him as a brilliant blue aura enveloped him. His hand quivered as it lit up with bright light.Megan smiled, but her face quickly turned to dread as she was slowly lifted from her tree. Her arms fell to her sides as if she was bound by an unknown force. She struggled against the alien power but to no avail.Koda's thoughts raced wildly and his vision became blurry. Sweat dripped from his forehead and his face went pale. The strain overcame him as he swung his arm downward, crashing his teacher to the ground.Megan dazedly stumbled as she tried to stand. A laceration bled from the side of her head, "The power to control life itself. That is just the surface of the Magi's power. We must learn more."Koda collapsed to the ground, heaving, "W-we will. W-e must to protect my people."Megan grinned, "You have done well, Koda."***Koda stood before the council of teachers once again; now older, now wiser, and now a mage in his own right. Megan bowed as she presented him with the official robes of a graduated Vernal Mage, "You've earned the right to wear these robes more than most, Koda. You have untapped potential that needs molding. In the future, you will find that you will be challenged physically, mentally, and spiritually. May you remember what this school has taught you and may success follow you wherever you go."Koda bowed and accepted the robes from his master. He proudly donned the ornate threads and tied the green sash around his waist tightly. Pride swelled in his heart, "I will apply what you have taught me. You will see.""I have seen, already," Megan said, smiling.***Koda sat, holding his goblet aloft. Wine sloshed around the rim as he rose to his feet. Large quantities of smoked meats and roasted vegetables laid across the long banquet table. On either side of him, lords and their advisers sat enjoying the feast put on by the royal family. The noise that echoed in the large dining room quieted as the elves turned to see what their young king had to say."Friends, I gather you all to feast in a period of new found peace. Our army grows in power each day. It has been a mere three months since we began training up our own forces, and yet we have received numerous reports from several towns across the country. The Black Rabbits have not dared to make any appearances. It is safe to say that their numbers are dwindling. Our city flourishes and our people are no longer living in fear. I raise to you all, a toast to Long Whisper. May we continue in our prosperity!"All but one noble raised their drink. Athar stood, unimpressed, "What of the inevitable war in the south? King Dallin of Varis and King Aric of Estinia have failed to reach a treaty. Aric will no doubt invade Varis and attempt to conquer and enslave the people there."Eyes turned and locked onto a nervous Koda, "I was unaware of such a conflict."Athar laughed with a mocking tone, "Here we have a green king, completely oblivious of his own borders. My lords, this is our leader!"Koda began to sweat, unable to handle this level of criticism, "What news have you heard from Varis?""Elven refugees afraid of an oncoming war are flocking to our lands. Varis supported your father's rise to the crown, no doubt we should support Varis in their time of need," Cass Baneberry suggested."Our army may be growing, but they have never seen a real battle. Our forces would be crushed in actual combat," Fendrick Redroot said flatly."We can't just ignore Varis!" Aisling said, raising her voice over the shouts from the various noblemen.Tull leaned into Koda's ear, "My King, you must take control of this situation and make a decision.""But Tull, what if I make the wrong choice?" Koda asked, afraid of such a decision and what devastation it could do to the nation's fledgling peace.Tull patted him on the shoulder reassuringly, "Koda, any decision is better than no decision. Show them that you can lead a nation, not just in time of peace, but in a time of need as well."Koda, raised his hands, simmering down the arguing, "My lords, we must raise the shield of courage for our people and for those seeking our protection. Estinia wishes to burn Varis, so who is to say they will stop there? We must stand beside our allies and quell this threat!" Koda said. The confidence he gained from becoming a mage resonated in his voice."Well said, young King. You will be remembered as the hero that led Long Whisper to victory!" Athar Moonfall cheered, smiling and clapping.The nobles rose from their seats clapping in awe, inspired by the bravado of Koda.***Cast in the weak lighting of the rose garden, Athar Moonfall whispered angrily with his most trusted adviser, "Silva, you pea-brained rat! That's the second time you were wrong about Koda!""My Lord, my eyes are everywhere in this city, I swear the information I had was to be trusted!""The same eyes that assured you he would not take the crown?" Athar spat, mockingly.Silva nodded anxiously."I'm trying to orchestrate the fall of the Dawnedge house, and yet with each blow I strike them with, they recover with double the force. This war, however, could provide an opportunity for Koda to—for lack of a better word—perish in combat, and I, myself to rise a hero." Athar Moonfall grinned delightfully at the thought."My eyes tell me that the Rabbits have trouble in their warren. Perhaps we should wait for them to get reorganized before making our next move," Silva whispered, looking around as if the Black Rabbits were watching her every move."Tell me, who are these 'eyes?' I must know this."Silva shook her head, "If identities were revealed, My 'eyes' may go blind.""Very well. Keep your secrets, Silva, but fail me again and your 'eyes' will be the least of your worries," Athar warned.