Future unknown.... ULTRALIVE!!

It's a normal day with shido going on a date with tohka

Tohka:Shido shido! I want to get more kinako bread!

Shido:Ok Tohka, but just three more.

Tohka:Okay! (Happy)

Shido smiles as tohka hops to the bakery...until kotori called

[Kotori]:Shido, we detect something coming from outer-space. It has a huge amount of dark energy,strong enough to detroy a whole solar-system. So be cautious.(Hangs up)

Shido was weary of what she said, he knew that there's only one being in the universe that's strong enough to do all of that and tha-BBOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!

Suddenly the being from outer-space shot a blast at the Ratatoskr ship. Shido looked up in horror. It was him. Belial.

Shido couldn't believe it, but he's here, stronger than ever, shido could just feel the power emenating from him.

Shido didn't waste any time, he grabbed his phone and called his son.



Shido:ichika! Come back quick! Belial's back!


Shido:Oh! And bring the others too, he's stronger that before now! (Hangs up)

Shido turns to tohka who was about to use saphaldon.

Shido:Tohka don't!

Tohka:why shido?, he's destroying the ship!

Shido:he's too strong for you,tohka

Tohka:Then, what are we gonna do?

Shido:i'll fight him, you go regroup with the girls.(walks off)

Tohka:But how are you going to fight him, you're not even that strong.

Shido stops to look at tohka with a smile of confidence

Shido:don't worry tohka, it's not my first time fighting him(smiles the grabs the stick from his jacket)

Shido press the trigger that was on the stick,opening it then somesort of doll appered, he grabs it and press down on it's right foot.


Shido points the stick to the air.


With kotori

Kotori:Everyone! Keep it together! Keep up the shield!

Crew:YES M'AM!

The crew was trying to keep the ship aflout until belial starts charging up another blast. This time strong enough to break the whole ship to pieces.

Kotori now started to lose hope. 'Well this is it. This is the end' she thought as she closes her eyes. Belial fires.








Kotori opened her eyes to see a giant of light standing in front of the ship, blocking the blast.

Kotori:w-what is that?

Raine:it-it's Ginga

Crew and kotori:Ginga?

Raine:The giant of light that protected tengu city 30 years ago. But then he suddenly dissappers without a trace... And it looks like their going to fight.

Kotori:Then all we have to do is support him. Everyone, support Ginga at all cost!

The Crew:YES M'AM!

Meanwhile with shido...

Shido and Belial are currently in a standoff

Shido/Ginga:How are you here Belial? I thought Geed sent you to peace.

Belial:It's because I was relived by Ultra Dark Destroyer, the offspring of Ultra Dark Killer. He told me to get revenge on all you ultras. Starting with you,Ginga.

Shido/Ginga:So,you attack the ship just to lure me out? No matter,I'll sent you right back.

Belial:Heh, I like to see you try, COME HERE!!

Belial lunges at Shido,bashing with his battlilzer and Shido blocking the attacks.

Meanwhile, with Ratatoskr. The crew were trying to catch up to the to giants.

Kotori:Ugh, can this go any faster!?

Crew 2:We're sorry, but this is the fastest the ship can go.

Kotori groned at that statement.

???:Need a hand?

The whole crew looked back at who ask that. They saw a person at the doorway who has spikey red hair with a swirl on the front,he wore a red jacket and jeans.

None of the crew knew who he was.

Kotori:Who are you?

???:I'm shido's friend, Shindou chrono.

Crew 5:How did you got on?. The radar didn't detect lifeforms on the ship.

Chrono:Simple. I just flew on.

Kotori:Wha- okay nevermind, how are you going to help?

Chrono:With this (smirk)

Chrono extend his arm with a bracelet, then suddenly, a type of 'muti-colored glasses' came out of the bacelet. This took the crew by surprise.

Raine:What is that?

Chrono smirk at what she asked

Chrono:You'll see. (Put on the zero-eye)

Chrono's body started to glow, the crew covered their eyes from the bright light and when they opened their eyes. He was gone.

Kotori:Wait, where did he-(turns around) oh.

The rest turned around to see a twin-colored giant in front of them.

Raine:so that is ginga's comrade

With Shido

Shido/Ginga:AHHGG!! (Got hit)

Belial:What's wrong? Can't fight me? Don't worry, i'll make this quick.

Belial starts spinning his battlizer then throws it at Ginga

???:Not on my watch!

Right then,a blast was shot towards belial, making him flow back


Belial snarled. Seeing his worst nightmare.


Shido/Ginga:Zero! You came!

Zero:of course, what do i always say?

Shido/Ginga:(sigh) The hero always come last minute.

Zero:That's right. Now, let's do-

Before his could finish. Belial threw something at him.

Belial:Here have this.

Then the object Belial threw was a....


Then the two ultras got sucked in by the bluton.

With Ratatoskr


With belial

Belial:Now, onto the destruction. Starting with you.

Belial. Now aiming at the ship starts charging up again. Until....





To be continued....