
{In the 4th dimension}

Ichika:C'mon Dad, Master Zero, where are you

Zett and Ichika are currently flying through space looking for the latter's father and the Former's Maste-

Zett:HARUKI DUCK! ( pointing at an asteroid )


Ichika narrowly avoided the incoming asteroid

Ichika: Thanks Zett, I owe you one

Zett:You owe me a lot of things, Haruki.

Ichika:(Chuckles) Yeah, I guess I do.... Wait? I think I see them! (Pointing at two floating bodies in the distance)

{Meanwhile ta Ratatoskr}

Kotori:Wait! wait wait, you mean there's a mutiverse that existed before this one?

Kotori, the harem, and the rest of the crew was at a lost at what Arata, Basara and Issei told them

Arata:Yep, that's part of the story (smiles)

Basara:That mutiverse got destroyed by one of our major villain as a suicide bomb to end the mutiverse. Instead, he created the second Big Bang

Issei:It's actually a miracle that we even remember our past at all

Reine had a question though

Reine:if what you said is true then why are your threats back?

Arata simply replied

Arata: It's because most of them either hid in different dimensions or hid in a different Mutiverse

Kotori: Also how did you remember your past lives anyway? If the mutiverse got blown up and got reborn, shouldn't you be like us?

Basara: Now I don't know if 'like us' is the best term, but the way WE recovered our memories is either mentioning the old mutiverse to us straight up, meet someone we met before in the old world, be in a situation that we've been in before in the old world, or any exposure to the old world, either verbal or physical

Everyone except Arata and Issei look at Basara in understanding

Basara: Obviously there are stretches to that but the these examples are how WE recovered our memories

Kaguya also has a question

Kaguya:You also said there were other Ultras Out there in the mutiverse too right?


Kaguya: Then where they now?

Issei:(small smile) They're alright now, having been reborn with some memories of what happened... but...(drops smile) There were lives that are lost permanently

The three of them looked down and pulled the Orb-Calibur and Orb-ring, The R/B Gyros and the TaigaSpark. The items of their fallen friends

Reine: I'm sorry for the lost of your comrades (bowed down in respect)

Arata: They're not comrades, they are our friends

Issei:And to us, friends means so much more than just comrades...

Then there was a moment of silence... Nobody said a word, until....

A portal open on the bridge, coming out was Ichika carrying Shido and Zero, who were tired and low on energy because of the effects of the 4th dimension draining their energy

Tohka,Yoshino,Origami,Kotori, Kaguya,Yuzuru,Miku, Natsumi:SHIDO!

the girls was shock to see him in his current state so they carried him while ichika carried Zero to the infirmary

Arata: We'll talk later in the infirmary, we gotta get them healed up first also, Reine


Arata:I want you to make a tracker device, I'll explain later why I need it but right I want you to make it for me

Reine: Right, I'll see what I can do

{Later in the infirmary}

Shido slowly opened his eyes to see that he is in an infirmary on Ratatoskr

???: Feeling better, Hikaru?

Shido turns to the person who said that, and see Zero sitting on his bed, he then turns to see his girls, Issei, Basara, Arata and Ichika.

Ichika: Dad, what happened?

Apart from Shido's harem, Ichika is the most worried out of all of them, understandable, because Shido is ichika's Father, and any good son would worry about their parents

Shido: I'll answer that later, How long was me and Zero out for?

Kotori: About an hour (answers)

Zero: I woke up about thirty minutes ago

Shido:oh.... (Looks around then at his guy friends) let me guess, you guys told them everything right?

Arata spoke up

Arata:Yep, they deserve to know too-

Kotori interrupts

Kotori: Shido, why haven't you told us this!?

She was understandably pissed

Shido:I had to kotori, there are way worse threats out there in the universe and I don't want you and Mio to face those threats

The harem looks at Shido, confused

Tohka: Who's Mio?

Shido just looks at Tohka and answered

Shido: She's... An old friend, we've been in touch for while now

Shido said, trying not to reveal too much of course, and the girls seems to buy it

Arata:Now I would like to re-listen to your personal life Shido but right now we're losing Time, Belial could be anywhere and reeking havoc

Zero then spoke up

Zero:Do we have any clue on where he might've gone?

Basara answered

Basara:No, no clue....

Suddenly, someone coming through the door, they all look to see who it is

???:My My, so many new faces here

Everyone now gone into a offensive position when they realize who it is

Kurumi:Oh my, no need to be violent

She came into the room, looking just as sadistic as ever, everyone took her entrance seriously meanwhile Arata has a comeback

Arata:What the hell are you doing here you Barbie doll reject?

The girls and kurumi looked at Basara in surprised, they had never seen anyone like this before. Arata then continued

Arata:You know? A wise man once said; don't stick your dick in crazy, unless crazy sticks itself in you

Kurumi just grins

Kurumi: My, funny man you are

Issei: spend enough time with him and it'll eventually rubbed off

Now there were at a stailmate, one one's lowering down their weapons down an inch

Ichika:How about we just calm down and be civil about this, we have a war monger on the loose so how about worrying about that first

Everyone seems to agree and cancel all their weapons

Shido:Why are you here kurumi?

He asked

Kurumi:I saw you got sucked into the wormhole and I was worried so I came to see what's going on and seeing Shido-san on this bed worries me greatly

She makes it sound innocent which no one buys.... Except one, Ichika walks up to her, grabbing her hands and looking her right in the eye

Ichika:Thank you for caring so much for my Dad

The girls was surprised at what Ichika just did, kurumi even blushes a little because she has never seen anyone act like this before, he lets go of her hand, then her blush devolved into a grin

Kurumi:So tell me, who did he choose future boy?

Ichika simply answered

Ichika: That's a story for another time

Right then...

Issei:AAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!! (Fell to his knees)

Everyone was shock and confused, what was happening to Issei?


The boys now knew where Belial was going next, by now shido was feeling much better so they open a portal, ready to go in, then Reine came into the room

Reine: what's going on?

Arata: we know where Belial is headed next! Did you finish the tracking device?

Reine: yes, but what do you need for?

Arata replied

Arata: when we find him I'm gonna put it on him so when he eventually escapes we know where to find him and where he's going

Reine nodded and threw him the tracking device which is smaller than his thumb and a device that's tracking the tracker


Shido and Zero jumped off their beds as the boys pull out their Risers, eye, lance, devizer, spark as the jump through the portal but before the portal closes....

Tohka,Yoshino,Origami,Kotori, Kaguya,Yuzuru,Miku, Natsumi:WAIT SHIDO!, shido/-kun!,-san!,-san..

They all tripped over each other and accidentally fell into the portal. Then the portal closes

Reine: You're not going to jump in?

Kurumi just looks at her and giggles

Kurumi:Shido-san and the others are going on a adventure while leaving this world unguarded is a problem, so I decide to stay back and keep an eye on this world in case anything suspicious rear it's head

Reine nodded at her in understanding

Reine:Good, I guess this is farewell for now

Kurumi: Indeed, we'll meet again.... Takamiya Mio....

She finishes before disappearing. Reine just sigh

Reine:I guess so.... Now I remember.... A world ago..... Our fates intertwined..... Hikaru-kun....