The Other Syndicate

Nicholai's POV

*Phone call*

"Hello?" he picked up.

"Where are you? Don't you have a watch there?" I irritatingly asked.

"I'm coming, okay?"

"Then run till your feet bleeds." I said then hung it up.

After 5 minutes…

"I am really sorry to keep you waiting." I just stare at him as I sipped my iced coffee latte.

"Oh? You're sorry? Good for you." I said then was about to leave.

"Come on, my words weigh more important than you being childish." He said that makes me glare at him sharply.

"Entertain me." I just said and sat down.

"The syndicate we've came from is called Ignis Syndicate, it means Torches, they were the considered as the outcast syndicate. They are the one taking care of all the disposal process for the Thorns. Your parents were once the members of the Thorns but not until your parents left and your father died." Aiden explained.