I love you

Nicholette's POV

We are on our way to the orphanage where Zara told us. I looked at the window enjoying the beautiful scenery of the ocean and mountains until I noticed some signages, it says, 

'Be careful, an uphill' and 'Cleanse your soul, find your peace'; these words are very familiar to me, I am not sure where I've seen it but I guess my memories starting to recognize it. 

Is this the orphanage where I am in when I was young? I am not sure.

"Are you okay?" Lucas asked me. He was the one driving us to the place and I am sitting here at the passenger seat. I looked at the rear mirror and I just smiled when I saw Lai sleeping and Kyle was leaning on her shoulder. They must have a great comeback after this whole operation completed.

"We're here." Lucas said.

"Lai, Kyle, wake up." I said to them. I saw Lai woke up and looked at Kyle who's still leaning on her shoulder. She pushed him away which makes him eventually woke up.