It’s called the LSD drug

Nicholai's POV

"But the thing is, you cannot catch those people, even the end of their tails." She said to me while grinning.

"I am not catching their tails, I am searching for their heads faced on." I answered to her.

"You're funny. Do you think you can survive here?"

"Well, do you think you can live your life peacefully?" I said while stalking more time to cut the rope tied.

"I am not aiming for peace, I am aiming for thrill, though." She replies and shows me a recording. I saw Lette and Lucas still inside the room and they are still looking at those boxes.

"They are already saw the truth and I believe as of now, they are much confused as you." She said then I felt that I successfully cut the rope through my dagger at my back.

"What truth?" I asked.

"Oh, you don't know? Your sister was once my child, well, not biologically but I treat all kids here as my children." She started.