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Jayden's POV

Walking through the dark sidewalks, lit by the huge moon that follows each step I made. My future is like this, I said to myself. Walking alone, darkness surrounds me and anytime it may devour me alive. I am afraid of the dark and I am afraid of myself. 

"Hey! are you alright?" some nosy woman talked to me.

"Leave me alone." I whispered and continue walking I did not saw her.

"Are you really sure?" the woman still follows me and asked me questions, I don't want to answer.

"Can you just leave me alone?" I told her.

"I cannot." She answered which makes me face her with my hoodie still covering half of my face.

"What?" I doubted my ears.

"I am lost, I don't know where way should I go." She embarrassedly replied. I just stare at her for some seconds and pointed the way out of the road.

I was about to leave her when she grabbed my clothes lightly,

"What is it?" I asked when I looked back at her.