Decide what will you do

Kyle's POV

The whole class session passed, and I can still feel that woman's gaze on me. if I attempt to look to her way, she immediately turned around and act like she's doing something or like nothing happened. It was so awkward; I don't know what thoughts lingering in her mind whenever she's staring at me.

"Class dismissed." The teacher said and the bell rang after some seconds, this teacher has a great sense of time, I just thought.

"Don't forget your homework and please cooperate to your partners." The teacher said and left the room. I can see how students quickly fixing their things, I think some of then are done for the day and I can see some students who do have remaining subjects, just a hunch with their facial emotions.

"Can you stop staring at me." I plainly said to her. I saw with my peripheral vision that was shocked and change the way she's looking at.

"I am not staring at you." She defensively answered.