Do you have time tomorrow?

Kyle's POV

"Delete those pictures." She said to us sounding very commanding. 

"Let's have first a talk." Lucas said coldly and enter the living room pushing aside the mother.

"We are done talking." The woman said while following Lucas with her eyes. Lucas sat on the couch legs crossed and intently looked at the young lad who's still shocked until now. 

"I don't think so." I just said and follow Lucas to sit beside him.

"Why did you do it?" I asked to the young lad. I saw that his senses were back and just glare at me.

"I would not answer any of your questions." He said was about to turn around his wheelchair when Lucas said something,

"I can see that huge portrait of your family. Aspiring to be a court judge? Or a prosecutor?" he said to him. I looked at the portrait he was talking about, and it looks like a family portrait, but not a happy and contented one, perhaps a lawful and strict family.