Even if death showed

Kyle's POV

Night deepens as I walk through the sidewalk where I could grab a taxi, minutes passed of standing at the bus stop, no public transportation is seen. Everything seems quiet and dark, I saw people crossing the pedestrians and some are getting in their private cars and starting to get home one by one. Looks like I don't have any choice but to continue walking until Seiken, hoping that I can grab a taxi from that point. 

*Phone rings*

"Hello?" I greeted as soon as I answered the call. 

"Come home tonight." Mom said and I abruptly stopped walking. 

"Why should I? I have class tomorrow." I answered. 

"You have to listen to me." she said sounding like she's gritting her teeth. 

"Alright, but I will not spend the night there." I just said and ended the call, I did not let her say any more words before she can reject my proposal.