Chapter 59

"Since you do not what to listen, you shall be punished accordingly. Gaurd please tie this traitor to the tree and beat her until she agrees to stop mixing with the royals," Lady Fella ordered.

The guard tied Crystal to one of the trees and was about to beat her when Prince Leon suddenly stopped the guard. "What is going on here?" Prince Leon asked. 

"We are punishing her for mixing with members of royal families," Lady Fella said. "As you know, its forbidden," the old lady said. "One she is an orphan, two no one told her the rules, and three no one care's so why should you?" Prince Leon asked

"Its because she is the Golsend crown, it's her punishment for betraying us," Lady Fella said. "You forget it wasn't her that betrayed you, you were the one that betrayed her and her great grandmother committed the crime not her so please just leave," Prince Leon said.