Chapter 103

"What do you mean?" the realm queen asked. "Nylla and Furry are mates, your highness. I am bonded to Nylla and Leon to Furry. They wanted to remove Nylla and Starmist from my care and make sure I will never see them again. These men believe a woman should not be riding dragons of any creature for that fact," Crystal answered. 

The realm queen looked at the men and asked, "Is that true?" she asked. 

"Crystal should never have bonded to a dragon. They chose her as my wife at birth and she should obey me," the man said. 

"I was born in a forest, not a palace, I grew up being locked up and forgotten and now your here to claim me as property. I don't think so," Crystal shouted. 

"Calm down woman, your dragon friends lied to you and you lying to yourself," the man said.