Chapter 151

  The two giant dragons looked at each other and said. "If that is true then we are all in danger, did they find the darkness book?" Diamond asked. "No, but the eastern kingdoms said that while ill be studying here. They will be tearing the palce apart untill they find it" Crystal siad. 

"It would make sence sense since that book can tell the reader how to create a darkness stone," Apollo siad. "How do you know the contrents of the book," Diamond asked. "As dragons we talk Diamond. As ancient dragons we see things that most do not live to see. Your still young but you have lived long enough to have heard rumours. That was, told around the time the book was, created," Apollo said. 

"I do hope those rumours are not true but if they are we must be, prepared," Diamond said.

  "Apollo, what rumours are you and Diamond talking about?" Crystal asked.