Chapter 156

"You can understand him then?" the teacher asked. "Yes I calmed him down but the elemental stones I have is to weak," Crystal said. Matt looked at the teachers and then at the rest of the class. "Crystal we can not exactly help him right now, he should join us. We can help him when we come back," Matt said. 

Crystal was about to ask the dragon when a messenger came to tell them. "We found the biggest ice and water elemental stones in an abandoned cave," the rider bragged. "You stole that from a wild dragon and put everyone in danger," Crystal yelled at the rider. 

"You need to know your place. This stone belongs to us and there wasn't anyone there besides we already sold it to the school. The headmaster paid us very well," the rider bragged. 

Crystal looked at the dragon after the rider was gone and said, "i try to make it up to you but i can not help you right now. Come with us and i can try to find you what you need," Crystal said.