Chapter 195

The next morning as the sun was rising Crystal and Nylla was waiting at the entrance to the valley for Leon and the other riders to show up. 

"What is taking them so long?" Nylla said. 

"I do not know Nylla but I am starting to think we might need to go and help them," Crystal said. 

It wasn't long before Crystal heard the roar of a dragon. "I think something is wrong with that dragon?" Nylla said. 

Crystal focused and realised why Nylla was telling her something was wrong with the dragons. 

"Nylla we need to get the others. It's a darkness dragon coming into the valley," Crystal shouted at Nylla. 

"Get on let's go and get the others, time to show those golden dragon riders what the code is really about," Nylla said. 

Crystal mounted Nylla and headed back to the village and the rest of the dragon stables.