Brown made a concrete plan to visit the first Ghost House initially, and spend a night there.

He discussed his plan with Henry and he was convinced very easily. Henry, on his part, persuaded his other four friends to be a part of the group. A day was fixed.

Henry said 'it is a wonderful plan, actually, we did not go for any picnic for a very long time. We shall go and invite Mr ghost to be our chief guest. '

In fact, it was a veiled attack to his friend, Brown.

On the schedule day they all, six of them, started in two cars.

Brown was sitting in Henry's car.

They carried ready to eat food items, a small portable music system, four torch lights and some medicines such as antiseptic cream, bandages etc.

They started at 11:30 a.m. and reached the place at about 3:45 p.m. They did not have any problem in finding the location.

On the way, however, they had to enquire about the exact location of the ghost house, and anybody could direct them how to proceed.

There were concrete roads up to the bungalow and beyond, but no electrical connections.

This was something which was mentioned in the book, which Brown had read.