Accordingly, everybody left the room silently and came on the road.

They walked to their cars and sat in.

Henry agreed with Brown that it was an intelligent idea to park the cars away from the ghost house.

He, however, said that the latest incident had no link with supernatural mystery.

Someone asked him, 'who do you think these people are? '.

Henry said, 'I am very sure, these people are local and they come here for illegal activities regularly'.

He then started the car and said, 'when they saw us they became cross, very simple!

Somebody quipped, 'they could have challenged us directly, why pushing the door unnecessarily? '

Henry avoided the answering the question.

Some of Henry's friends said, 'yes yes....we agree with your explaination of the second incident, but the first one is, undoubtedly, a mystery'.

Henry replied, 'yes, yes, hundred percent'.

While driving, Henry, suddenly, turned to Brown and asked, 'why are you not saying anything, you are totally silent, anything wrong? '

Brown said,' No, nothing wrong, actually, I brought you all here for your experience of Ghost or Supernatural mystery, you should face it and draw your own conclusion. I have nothing to say'.

Finally, they reached home early in the morning.